The Limited Times

Scudetto party: the Napoli bus in Castel Volturno

5/5/2023, 4:16:33 PM

Spalletti films the fans with his cell phone. Many players returned home from Grazzanise (ANSA)

The Calcio Napoli coach has arrived at the Castel Volturno sports center (Caserta), where hundreds of Napoli fans are waiting for it, who have already been singing chants and praising the players protagonists of the Italian sprint and Maradona for some hours, with teasing above all Juventus and Salernitana.

Shortly before the arrival of the bus with the players, coach Spalletti arrived on board a minibus and filmed the exultation of the fans with a mobile phone.

Luciano Spalletti and his collaborators reached the Castel Volturno sports center on the Napoli bus a little while ago, while most of the players - according to what has been learned - headed home from Grazzanise airport, by taxi and minivan, to the afternoon of rest granted to everyone by the coach.

Spalletti's deputy, Marco Domenichini, recently left Castel Volturno: "This Scudetto - he told reporters - is Luciano Spalletti's masterpiece. We've worked so hard for this, we've always believed in it. And we're not stopping here".