The Limited Times

The Bafta intend to maintain their efforts for more diversity in their ranks

5/5/2023, 4:04:55 PM

The English academy has made public the profile of its academy where men remain in the majority. The organizers promise parity for 2025.

In 2020, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (Bafta) introduced a series of measures to include more women as well as people from ethnic minorities in their jury.

These announcements followed the scandal denouncing the lack of diversity in the appointments.

In question, in particular, the lack of women among the members of the academy or people of color in the prize lists.

In 2020, only white actors and actresses were awarded in the best performance categories.

Wishing to initiate a cultural change in the sector, the Bafta have undertaken to publish a report revealing the profile of its members.

The latter had to answer the questionnaire before being able to watch the films and vote.

According to the study, the jury comprises 42% of women for 58% of men today.

16% of members are from underrepresented ethnic groups and 7% have a disability.

Finally, 12% of voters identify as members of the LGBT community.

To better represent everyone, the Bafta decided in 2020 to increase the number of members.

They thus added 2,500 film, television and video game professionals, 1,000 of whom would come from ethnic minorities.

Now the Bafta has more than 11,500 members.

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Setting diversity quotas for votes is not the solution

Bafta President Krishnendu Majumdar welcomed these 2,500 new members and congratulated the organization for the efforts made, while recalling that there was still a long way to go.


When it comes to awards, we remain convinced that creative excellence must come first

," said Krishnendu Majumdar, the first person of color to chair the organization.

We continue to consult with the industry as part of the BAFTA report and the feedback is clear and clear: setting diversity quotas for votes is not the answer.

However, we know that for many talented people in the AV industry, it's not always a fair race from the start.


We must continue to engage industry decision makers to recognize their essential role in a common mission for a fairer industry,”

he added.

We can all play a part in creating an industry that will be better for future generations than the one we joined.
