The Limited Times

"I thought that I had already settled the quota of suffering in this life", the harsh letter with which María Luján Rey told that she has cancer

5/6/2023, 11:11:02 PM

The deputy gave details of her state of health and the hospitalization that prevented her from being in the last sessions of the Lower House.

The deputy

María Luján Rey

confirmed this Saturday through a

harsh letter that she suffers from cancer

and gave details of the disease she faces and had her hospitalized for several weeks in recent days.

The publication of the letter with details about his health was the response to the

surprise and concern that

the tweet he published on Friday aroused in the networks saying that he painted dragonflies "to make the first chemotherapy more bearable."

It is that the mother of Lucas Menghini Rey, one of the victims of the Once tragedy, had not made public until now that she had cancer.

"Yesterday I published a tweet without considering

the possibility of it becoming news

. Since it was, I consider it necessary to explain a little how I got here," Rey began his letter.

After insisting that he did not intend to "hide anything", he specified that it was last March 18 when he first consulted a doctor because his ankles swelled.

He went to a guard because something like this had never happened to him.

That was followed by a high blood pressure chart and an electrocardiogram that did not yield good results.

He said that the doctors were carrying out studies for more than a month and 20 days until they finally confirmed that he has two diseases: "

They are rare, multiple myeloma and amyloidosis

. The latter affects, at the moment, my kidneys, my liver and my heart," he said.

Rey assured that

"receiving the diagnosis was relieving on the one hand"

because it allowed him to focus "on treatment and cure, but also hard."

"For some reason, mistakenly,

I thought that I had already settled my quota of suffering in this life

, since the one that touched me is perpetual, however it seems that there was a remainder, and here we are, learning, fighting and thanking all the good that I have: deep faith, a daughter who lights up my days and a son who lights up my nights," she wrote.

That "perpetual pain" to which he refers is the death of Lucas, his son, who was one of the 51 fatalities of the tragic accident at Station Once that also left 789 injured.

It happened eleven years ago and María Luján Rey keeps it in mind all the time.

In another passage of the letter, and already with optimism, he said that "there will be tougher moments, and others that are more bearable" but also that "

the fight that is lost is the one that does not take place


"I am going to fight these bugs with the determination to beat them, and for that I count on the support of my family, my friends, my colleagues and many people," he added.

That first post on Twitter, in which he confirmed that he has cancer by saying that he paints dragonflies to pass the time after chemotherapy sessions, immediately went viral and there were hundreds of messages of support, including from colleagues in the Chamber of Deputies. , also including those from spaces that are politically opposed to hers.

"You will be able to, a lot of strength!" wrote the president of the chamber, Cecilia Moreau.

That was followed by many others with messages of encouragement and strength for this new battle.


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