The Limited Times

Freising's "KULTUR-gut!" remains true to itself even when celebrating

5/6/2023, 5:34:52 PM

For the tenth anniversary, the social association KULTUR-gut! treated you to a colorful evening - and thought of others at the same time.

For the tenth anniversary, the social association KULTUR-gut!

treated you to a colorful evening - and thought of others at the same time.


– This association, and you can actually say it that way, is on the road on behalf of humanity: unbureaucratic, low-threshold and always careful not to stigmatize anyone.


Freising eV has been making sure that people in financially difficult situations can also enjoy culture for ten years now.

At the same time KULTUR-gut!

thus highly successful against exclusion and isolation.

Last Thursday, the club therefore popped the champagne corks and brought two more birthday children onto the stage, who, like them, have been enlivening and, above all, enriching the cathedral city since 2013.

Maps mediate without stigmatization

The rush on Thursday was huge in the Freisinger Bank gallery, because they all wanted KULTUR-gut!

toast to a highly successful ten years.

For so long, the association has been supporting all those people who simply cannot afford a concert or theater ticket.

The association receives free tickets for theatres, concerts, readings, exhibitions and cinema evenings from a wide range of cultural partners.

After confirmation of financial need by the social partners, these tickets are then distributed without there being any stigmatization at the box office or at the front door.

Because that's what the club focuses on.

(By the way: everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

"Ten were very busy ten years," emphasized KULTUR-gut! chairwoman Stefanie Gölz in the introduction.

Even during the pandemic, the work didn't stop, the association worked on the album "Alles anders" during this time, for example, in order to be able to support Freising artists.

The club came up with something special for the anniversary: ​​it brought other birthday children onto the stage who are also celebrating their tenth anniversary this year – the cult duo Apollon's Smile and the KreativeSchauspielEnsemble eV (KSE).


They all wanted to do well with KULTUR!

toast: A number of visitors came to the Freisinger Bank for the tenth anniversary of the social cultural association.

© Lehmann

Loud and quiet culture characterize the evening

While Apollon's Smile provided the perfect musical framework as usual, with precisely fitting empathetic songs, the KSE brought two Loriot pieces to the stage.

The von Bülow classics "At the Opera Box Office" and "Concert Visit" were wonderfully interpreted, including a spit out candy and the falling of a chair, which in turn led to thunderous applause.

It then became quieter during the readings by Gisela Landesberger and Toni Setzwein, who recited Bertolt Brecht and Erich Fried, among others, emotionally and equally powerfully.

The charming thing: This also showed what the association is committed to, namely for culture of all kinds, for the quiet and loud at the same time.

As moderators, Hermann Graßl and Peter Schröter shone as a clown duo, which came across as Valentine-like and gave the evening a very special sparkle.

A worthy celebration for a club that proves one thing above all: a broad horizon and a very big heart that has been beating loud and strong for ten years now.

Richard Lorenz

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