The Limited Times

Frost onset of the ice saints - forecast shows weather change for Mother's Day

5/6/2023, 5:40:40 PM

The ice saints often bring cold air with them into May. Low temperatures of up to zero degrees are predicted for this year. But on Mother's Day it will be especially beautiful.

The ice saints often bring cold air with them into May.

Low temperatures of up to zero degrees are predicted for this year.

But on Mother's Day it will be especially beautiful.

Kassel – The temperatures are rising, the sun is finally showing itself more often again.

Many people are currently enjoying the first beautiful days of the year.

But like every year in May, the ice saints are just around the corner.

This year they will take place from Thursday, May 11th to Monday, May 15th.

But how does the ice saint come about every year?

While the temperatures on the mainland have already risen somewhat at this time of the year, temperatures on the seas are still freezing.

If there are such temperature differences between the mainland and the ocean, low-pressure areas are formed.

As a result, the warm air currents move northwards, while cold currents make their way towards the mainland.

But are the Ice Saints actually a reliable prediction or just outdated wisdom?

Eisheilige 2023: Temperatures drop to zero degrees

But how cold are the temperatures brought by this year's ice saints?

In the days before May 11th, increased precipitation is expected, reports the online weather portal



On the Ice Saints in May it often gets cold again - this can be dangerous for plants.

© dpa/symbol photo

According to the forecast, however, it will be drier – and sunnier – during the period of the ice saints.

But even if it is supposed to be warm during the day, icy temperatures are announced for the nights.

The reason for this is the lack of cloud cover.

According to,

temperatures in higher places can

drop to as low as 0 degrees at night, which can bring frost.

Weather forecast for Kassel around the Ice Saints

Low temperatures of 5 degrees at night and down to 21 degrees during the day have been announced for Kassel during this year's Eisheiligen.

From Thursday 11 May up to and including Saturday 13 May it is expected to be cloudy and rainy.

But for Sunday, May 14 (Mother's Day) pure sunshine is announced until the evening.

The low temperatures can be dangerous for plants.

Sensitive plants such as tomatoes, zucchini or cucumbers should be brought indoors or in a greenhouse as a precaution.

Alternatively, the plants can also be covered with fleece or foil.

Particularly sensitive plants should only be brought outside after the ice saints - a sowing calendar can help.

List of rubrics: © dpa/Symbolfoto

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