The Limited Times

In Trafalgar Square, Charles III and Camilla make (almost) everyone agree

5/6/2023, 4:52:39 PM

REPORT - Several thousand people gathered to support the sovereign... or to demand a Republic. All in a festive atmosphere.

From our special correspondent in London

To discover

  • LIVE - Relive the coronation of King Charles III

Even the weather was British.

The rain, greasy, hit the faces, without discouraging the hearts to cry out: “

God save the king

”, with the passage of Charles III on the place of Trafalgar, this Saturday on the occasion of his coronation.

Many were those who had come from afar and got up early, impatiently awaiting their sovereign.

Like Paul, from Leeds in Yorkshire, for whom “

the King is a part of our culture and it is a joy to be part of this global coronation event



And then

..., we won't have a new one for several years

he smiles, scratching the jabot of his shirt, under his jacket in the colors of the Union Jack.

Mary, from Rochester, left at 4:00 a.m.

Las, Las, traffic jams and the world will have got the better of its location.

It will not be on the Mall in front of the giant screens, but in

Trafalgar Square


Paul of Leeds.

Amaury Coutansais-Pervinquière / Le Figaro.

Not all, however, want to "

enjoy the coronation


Graham Smith, president of Republic, and five republicans were arrested by the bobbies, the British police, in the early hours of the day.

Dressed in yellow, they were still many to shout: “

Not my King


Their watchwords: "

Abolish the monarchy

", "

No one should rule over us

", "

Citizens, not subjects


Bryan accompanied his mother from Kent, the birthplace of the kings of England, to demonstrate against the coronation and Charles III, "

an institution which no longer has its place in our time


“This ceremony, finally ... this comedy, is very expensive.

The State should rather help the poorest”, he certifies, perched on a chair, from where, although Republicans, he has a much better view of the procession than many royalists.

Martin "

London and proud Republican

" shares Bryan's opinion: "

The monarchy represents privilege, inequality, unelected influence

", he lists.

For him, “

monarchs should not exist, and they should live in a cottage and work like everyone else


God save the king

,” replies a man in a tweed jacket and with a blotchy face, although the hour is not late.

The Republicans, as the royal carriage passed, shouted their slogans, quickly covered by the cheers of a crowd, certainly wet, but enthusiastic.

A Republican in Trafalgar Sqaure Amaury Coutansais-Pervinquière / Le Figaro.

The first notes of music, spit out by the loudspeakers, silenced all the protests, but also emptied part of the place.

The sight of Charles III and the rain worked together for this evacuation.

Throughout the ceremony, the incessant drizzle infiltrated everywhere.

A weather that did not discourage Julien, Jean-Baptiste and Coralie from coming from Belgium.


It's a monarchical continuity, which has existed for a thousand years

," says one.

It is also a tribute to Elisabeth II, who died last year

”, underlines the other.


The Belgian monarchy is a bit like the little sister of the British, it is less ... bling-bling

", assures Jean-Baptiste.

We are cousins ​​of monarchies

“, smiles Coralie, dressed like Elizabeth II, in a blue dress with a large pearl necklace under her copper hair, and her freckles which give her a false British air.

Read alsoCharles III: on the Mall, a curious monarchist feeling


God save the King, Long Live the King

," interrupts the speaker, meaning that Charles III has been anointed and crowned, he is now sacred.

These few words unleash cries in homage to the sovereign, and the British anthem is sung.

Our monarchy is also a bit sacred

,” smiles Rizwan, a Pakistani of origin, who recognizes himself perfectly in his sovereign who embodies “

the tradition of the United Kingdom and its future


A tradition, almost as famous as the hairy caps of the king's grenadiers, which parade after the ceremony.

Then come the Horse-Guards who escort the carriage which leaves the abbey to go down the avenue du Mall towards Buckingham.

As he passes, under the flights of bells, the king greets his subjects, who respond to him with smartphone videos and cheers.


Long live the king

", shouts a red-haired boy, mounted on a lamp post, vigorously waving his flag in the center of which Charles III is represented.

He will only descend from it to go on the Mall towards the palace where the sovereigns will greet their subjects from the balcony.

The Red Arrows.


Avenue du Mall, the bobbies, unarmed and in full dress, frame a very good-natured parade.

The cheers go up the avenue, whose lampposts are adorned with British and Commonwealth flags, from Buckingham when Charles III presents himself.

Motionless, he raises his hand in his purple suit, having received the homage of his military household at the palace.

He is again unfazed when the Red Arrows, the British equivalent of the Patrouille de France, fly in formation and unleash three blue-white-red colors over the palace.

His subjects rejoice and applaud warmly before gradually evacuating the avenue.

Shortly after, a lady offers hot tea to passers-by.

From start to finish, the ceremony was

so British
