The Limited Times

Neichinger Schupfatheater: "Tassilo's journey through time" on two stages

5/6/2023, 4:22:45 PM

1250 years Synod Neuching: The Neichinger Schupfatheater has started rehearsals for its open-air performances of "Tassilo's Time Travel".

1250 years Synod Neuching: The Neichinger Schupfatheater has started rehearsals for its open-air performances of "Tassilo's Time Travel".


– In the year celebrating the 1250th anniversary of the Synod Neuching, people can also look forward to something special from the Schupfatheater.

So far, the performances have taken place in a cozy setting in the Stadl, this year the whole thing will be a lot bigger.

The idea of ​​inspiring the audience on an open-air stage had been around for a long time, said Markus Sedlmeir, chairman of the cultural association to which the theater group belongs.

And now the time has come: From June 30th, the members of the Neichinger Schupfatheater will present a special journey through the history of the place on two stages at the Wenhardt-Hof at Kirchenstrasse 3 in Niederneuching.

In "Tassilo's Time Travel" five episodes that are important for the community are presented in a funny way.

In the first act, the theater people present the synod itself - which should not be missing as a reason for the celebration marathon in 2023.

It continues with the love story of the noblewoman Salome, who fell in love with a servant at the beginning of the 17th century.

There was also a beer war in Neuching, similar to the one in Dorfen.

Sedlmeir: "The people went to the barricades." How did that happen back then?

The visitors of the theater see this in the third act.

Then we continue with the planned demolition of the canal bridge during the Second World War, which was once prevented by brave people.

And the regional reform, due to which Niederneuching and Oberneuching merged into one municipality, finally concludes the open-air performance of the Schupfatheater.

Of course, there were no templates for the texts for these topics, so the vice-chairman and cabaret artist Florian Fink got to work himself.

The requirement was that the end result was by no means a strict two hours in which the stories were simply told.

Sedlmeir: "We're a farmer's theatre, and the whole thing should come across as funny and relaxed." Fink, who, among other things, bears the title of Upper Bavarian master of jokes, turned out to be the right person for this: "After it was finished, we looked at the whole thing together and were very satisfied,” emphasizes the chairman.

It still needed a little fine-tuning, and so a piece was created that promises lots of laughs, but also moments of reflection.


The theater group of the Neichinger Schupfatheater is already looking forward to their premiere and three other open-air performances.

© Club

Everyone was aware in advance that the performances are a great challenge for the theater people.

More than 30 actors take part, one or two extras are added.

Therefore, the cultural association was looking for contributors in advance.

According to Sedlmeir, it was quite successful: "Some of them contacted us and are now taking part in the open-air performances alongside our actual core team." In general, anyone interested in theater can also contact us in the future - they are always open to newcomers.

So there are two stages on the Wenhardt-Hof - enough space for the extensive performances.

Around 200 seats are available for visitors on the grandstand, food and drink are provided – you wouldn’t know it any other way from the Schupfatheater.

However, the organizers gave some thought to the culinary art, after all the food should also go well with the hopefully nice and warm weather.

However, the "danger from above" does exist during an open-air performance.

The courtyard is protected from bad weather on three sides, and there are ponchos for the guests when it rains lightly.

"But we still make sure that there are alternative dates," says Sedlmeir.

In addition to the size of the performance itself, the equipment is also special, there is significantly more technology than usual.

In the Stadl, for example, none of the actors needed a headset, nor did they have to have speakers.

That changes with the open-air performances.

A large beamer was also organized – during the breaks in construction, the people from Neuching used it to present clips lasting several minutes for entertainment on a large screen.

One of the topics is the construction of the Isar canal: "There is definitely a lot going on in terms of multimedia," promises the chairman.

An original jeep from the Second World War can also be admired, and Duke Tassilo rides towards the stage in proper style on a real horse.

The nervousness, but also the anticipation increases among the actors of the Schupfatheater.

They want to offer their audience something special and have been rehearsing for it for a few weeks.

Dates and advance booking

The piece will be performed on June 30th, 1st/7th

and July 8th.

Alternative dates in case of bad weather are July 21st and 22nd.

Advance sales start Sunday, May 14th.

From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. the tickets are available directly on site at the Wenhardt-Hof.

You can also get tickets at