The Limited Times

Serie A, Milan-Lazio 2-0

5/6/2023, 2:58:44 PM

Goal by Bennacer in the 17th minute. Hernandez doubled in the 29th minute (ANSA)

Serie A:

Milan-Lazio 2-0 REPORT

Goal by Bennacer in the 17th minute.

Hernandez doubled in the 29th minute

Two draws, among other things obtained only at the last grain of the hourglass: with Roma in the 97th minute, in the home match with Cremonese in the third of added time.

If you want to see the glass half full, the emphasis could be placed on the ability not to give up.

To analyze the practical feedback, there are 2 points in as many races.

Especially the one with the Grigiorossi, for Milan it was a game more of a missed opportunity than a draw.

The Rossoneri rankings and the fact that "we have high expectations and created high expectations" say it all.

Pioli's reflections.

on the eve of the match against Lazio, they are also reflected in the distorted image of the last month of the championship: "In the last 6 days we have only achieved 2 wins and 4 draws.

But I think these proportions should have been reversed". Against Cremonese, "the substitutions made the match worse: the positions were not respected, we lost our clarity and we lacked continuity". The rift between the first and second half he didn't take away the Rossoneri coach's confidence: "We all know it's a decisive month and my players believe in it.

But we are also aware that we have thrown away so many jokers and that we can no longer waste any more.

No one is heartbroken, let alone worried.

But we depend on the results". Precisely for this reason, against Lazio, "it will almost be an inside or out, even if it isn't the last match.

It is a very important stage", continues Pioli. "We face a very strong team centrally,

capable of taking depth on the flanks.

We will need to pay attention in defense, alternating phases of the game in which to stay low and others in which it will be important to get up". But if the three points up for grabs with Lazio are important for a placement for the next Champions League, this year's one has time much more stringent. Wednesday 10 will be the semifinal match against Inter: "Let's think about one match at a time.

The outcome of the match against Lazio will have no repercussions on the cup derby", continues the coach. Cautious in specifying that "we must be clear-headed and say that we did something exceptional in the league last year.

To succeed this year would have been an extraordinary thing.

Last season we made the leap in quality when we came out of the Champions League, where this

year in the cup we are doing well.

No, we are not yet at City's level: the only team among the 12 semi-finalists of the three cups that can also play for the championship."

It is the last big match of the season for Lazio, the last against an opponent who is racing for a place in the Champions League, such as the biancocelesti.

The appointment on Saturday (3.00 pm) away against Milan will conclude a demanding week to say the least for Sarri's boys, which began right at San Siro with Inter, continued at the Olimpico with Sassuolo and who will find the closing the circle.

With 64 points, the Biancocelesti are second, plus six on the Rossoneri (who have the same tally as Roma and Atalanta, the other two contenders for fourth place occupied by Inter with 60 points);

if Lazio beat the Devil at home, it would increase the chances of ending the season with a ticket to the next Champions League in his pocket.

The resounding victory of

first leg plays in favor of the biancocelesti when it comes to direct clashes: in January they finished 4-0, perhaps the best performance ever by Lazio sarriana and the lowest point of the AC Milan season.

Three and a half months later, the Rossoneri are in the semifinals of the Champions League, and the derby against Inter on May 10 could act as a distraction for the Pioli gang.

However, Maurizio Sarri is not looking at Milan's European commitments, but at the condition of his boys: the only possible absentee at San Siro would be Cataldi, but the director is working in the gym to get rid of the edema in his right calf, and will do everything to at least go to the bench.

Romagnoli, formerly on duty (for him seven years at Milan), takes his place in central defence.

while in midfield the good performance against Sassuolo puts Marcos Antonio ahead of Vecino for the playmaker position.

No one will touch Ciro Immobile, starter with Felipe Anderson and Zaccagni on the wings: the captain ran into an unfortunate season, with four muscle injuries and a bad road accident, however troubles that didn't stop him from reaching 10 league goals anyway.

In the last two outings, Sarri called him back to the bench prematurely and Ciro got nervous with Sassuolo: a few punches on the plexiglass, then the clarification with the coach, who reiterated at the press conference how essential it is to have Immobile in good health.

One figure underlines the offensive quality of the team: if Felipe Anderson finds his tenth seal in the league, Lazio will be the

only team in Serie A to have three players with at least 10 goals.

Goals will be needed at San Siro as never before, given that in the last seven matches with the capitolini, Milan have won five.

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