The Limited Times

She went out to dinner with a friend and was found murdered in a ditch with signs of sexual abuse

5/6/2023, 5:40:51 PM

It happened in Missions. Hours before the crime, the 26-year-old had a video call with her mother.

A young woman who had left her home in the city of San Vicente, Misiones, to share dinner with a friend,

was found murdered in a ditch

and with signs of having suffered a sexual assault.

The heinous crime

occurred in the early hours of this Friday

and the body was found hours later, around 7:30 a.m., on the side of Miranda street, at the entrance to the Unido neighborhood.

A neighbor who was going to work was the one who

noticed the presence of a dead person in the ditch and alerted the Police


The victim's body appeared in a ditch, at the access to the United neighborhood of San Vicente, in Misiones.

When the agents arrived at the scene, they established that it was a young girl who was already without vital signs and with morbid rigidity, lying face down in a grass-covered ditch.

The victim was barefoot and wearing blue leggings.

The tattoo of a fish in the left sector of the abdomen and two piercings in the lip and in the navel facilitated identification by the next of kin.

The police doctor who examined the body at the scene established that the girl had injuries in the anterolateral region of the neck (possible strangulation) and that death had occurred some six hours earlier, that is, in the early hours of Friday.

In addition, he found

signs of possible sexual abuse,

for which he requested a complete examination by specialists from the Posadas Forensic Medical Corps.

Just a few hours later, it was established that

the victim was Daniela Radke, 26,

who lived at kilometer 981 of National Route 14, in San Vicente.

Her mother declared to the Police that her daughter left at 6:00 p.m. to go eat a stew at a friend's house about which she did not provide further information.

Daniela Radke (26), murdered in San Vicente, Misiones.

A man who was riding a motorcycle and wearing a white helmet

went to look for her at the house and they both headed towards the urban area of ​​San Vicente


The woman added that the last contact with her daughter was a video call at 9:00 p.m.

The investigators

analyze the security cameras of San Vicente

to try to identify the man who met Daniela.

The search for the suspect is focused on the area from where the girl made the last call.

To corroborate the location, the agents of the Homicide Division sent

a request for the geolocation of the victim's cell phone

to the cell phone company .


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