The Limited Times

Suspected hit-and-run accident: a 5-year-old boy was fatally injured by a car in Netanya - voila! news

5/6/2023, 3:10:43 PM

The boy, who was apparently walking on the road with his father, was taken to Laniado Hospital while CPR was being performed. As far as is known, the offending vehicle was not found at the scene

In the video: a toddler was killed in an accident between two vehicles near the Negev junction (photo: MDA spokesmen)

A 5-year-old boy was fatally injured by a car in Netanya.

MDA medics and paramedics gave him medical treatment and evacuated him to Laniado Hospital, while performing CPR. The boy was apparently walking on the road with his father. As far as is known, it was a hit-and-run accident. MDA paramedic Igor Traskin said: "The boy was lying

down on the road when he is unconscious and suffering from a very severe multi-system injury. We immediately started medical treatment and evacuated him to the hospital while performing resuscitation operations when his condition is critical."

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  • car accidents

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