The Limited Times

Cristina and the PJ want to change the name of the Frente de Todos: they say it is associated with the "failure of Alberto Fernández"

5/7/2023, 10:11:13 PM

They affirm that the Vice President will define the new label alone, as happened with Unidad Ciudadana or the Frente para la Victoria. They are looking for 'a touch up' to re-impulse the political space before the elections.

The United States and an increasingly smaller part of Europe offer political systems where the name of the spaces

retains such a gravitating weight that it orders the electorate.

 They are countries where the

party seal

prevails and supports the candidate.

And not the other way around, as is imposed in most South American countries, where

the voter lines up behind the leader

who commands, arms and disarms, regardless of the brand of space he chooses to compete.

Each election that is held in Argentina deepens the proliferation of rubber stamps.

There is everything, for all tastes


The political offer is reduced to the authority of a candidate who has

little or nothing

to do with the party for which he is running.

Almost a cult of personality: Cristina Kirchner, Mauricio Macri or Javier Milei could wear almost any logo on their ballot papers and still probably split the country's votes in thirds, according to the polls. 

Alberto Fernández, Sergio Massa and Cristina Kirchner, with a gesture that says it all about the evolution of the Frente de Todos,

Neither Peronism nor radicalism already mobilize voters.

Florencio Randazzo stayed with the PJ seal in 2017 and got just 3% of the votes in the Province of Buenos Aires.

There are plenty of similar examples from the UCR.

The two parties that marked the country's political history can no longer stand in an election

without being camouflaged

in great alliances.

The name of a front does not add anything.


if you can disaggregate


That is what they feel in the Frente de Todos, where

everyone believes that this brand failed.

For this reason, Cristina and the heads of the Peronism of the GBA decided to stop using it for the next elections.

"The Frente de Todos as a brand brings us closer to the disaster of this government and the figure of Alberto Fernández. That is why we are going to modify it," he assured Clarín, one


the main bosses of the most powerful Conurbano.

The President hardly talks anymore with the minister in charge of national politics, Wado de Pedro reflecting the breakdown of the Frente de Todos

"We have to try to make our voters


what we put together in 2019 to beat Macri. It will be difficult, but we have to try. Obviously, a new name for the alliance will not give us more votes, but at least At least we try to

propose something new

", clarifies another referent of the Buenos Aires Third Electoral Section.

In the provincial elections (the three this Sunday are a clear example)

no political force presents itself as the Front of All,

even though its governors claim to be Peronists.

They refuse to campaign with national figures of Kirchnerism and less of Albertismo.

A little more sifted, 

the same thing happens

in the provinces managed by Cambiemos.

Peronist Governors approach national officials for a resource issue.

At the time of the elections, everyone seeks to distance themselves from the Frente de Todos, advancing their votes and provincializing the campaigns.

In the Casa Rosada they admitted to


"The truth is that they are praying that we do not call them. Neither we nor anyone related to Cristina. Some even ask you openly that we do

not appear

in the province during the campaign. They do not want to have anything to do with the Front of Everyone. As if everything that the people of the interior suffer is the fault of the National Government and Kirchnerism alone. Of course, to come and ask for money, they sign up on all the lists and are our best allies."

Cristina and the Buenos Aires Peronism managed by the GBA mayors have

one month to write down the new name

to replace the Frente de Todos.


consulted seven senior leaders of the PJ with executive or legislative positions and they all answered more or less the same thing: "She (for Cristina) will decide alone,

as happened with Unidad Ciudadana and the Frente para la Victoria.

We are going to find out from the media because I don't think he'll even announce it on Twitter like we're used to".

According to the electoral schedule, the name of the fronts has to be registered two weeks before the registration of the alliances, on June 24.

In other words, there is time to choose to renew the Frente de Todos seal until June 10.

In this choice of name, all those consulted also make faces when asked if Alberto Fernandez can comment.

After all, he is President not only of the Nation but also of the Justicialista Party.

"It still surprises me that they bring coffee to his office, although they tell me that it takes longer and longer," amused a mayor on leave who will return to his municipality this month to lead the campaign.

look too

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