The Limited Times

Elections 2023, LIVE: the elections in Jujuy, La Rioja and Misiones, minute by minute

5/7/2023, 12:35:26 PM

The three provinces elect governors, deputies and mayors, in key elections. Jujuy, La Rioja and Misiones elect their next governor this Friday , in continuity with the 2023 electoral calendar. The three districts will also define mayors and deputies. I followed the coverage minute by minute.  07.05.2023 08:45 08:45 More than 300,000 people from La Rioja elect in the province and Ricardo Quintela seeks to retain the governorship Ricardo Quintela will seek to retain the

Jujuy, La Rioja and Misiones

elect their next governor this Friday

, in continuity with the 2023 electoral calendar. The three districts will also define mayors and deputies.

I followed the coverage minute by minute. 

07.05.2023 08:45


More than 300,000 people from La Rioja elect in the province and Ricardo Quintela seeks to retain the governorship

Ricardo Quintela will seek to retain the governorship in La Rioja. Photo Juan Manuel Foglia

With some delays,

La Rioja

began the elections after 8 o'clock to elect the governor, legislators and 18 municipal mayors, in addition to the 36 conventional ones who will have the task of reforming the provincial Constitution.

In these elections, 

Ricardo Quintela

will seek to retain the district for the Frente de Todos (FdT).

In the elections , half of the seats of the provincial Legislature

will be renewed ,

which is equivalent to 18 deputies, and all of the Deliberative Councils of all departments.

As the main opponents of Peronism are the national deputy

Felipe Álvarez

for Together for Change (JxC), who is on the ticket with the vice mayor of the capital

Guillermo Galván

, and the representative of La Libertad Avanza, the provincial legislator

Martín Menem


In total, 272 schools were arranged throughout the province for the electoral act, with 948 tables for the

301,615 voters


07.05.2023 07:30


Hugo Passalacqua wants to return to the governorship in Misiones

In the 2023 Misiones elections, the governor and lieutenant governor, 20 titular provincial deputies, 7 substitute provincial deputies will be elected, and municipal authorities will also be renewed.

In this regard, there are 753 mayoral candidates who will run for office in the 78 municipalities that elect representatives.

Unlike other cases, the current governor, Oscar Herrera Ahuad, will not present himself as a candidate for re-election, but will head the list of deputies of the Concord Renovation Front, while Hugo Passalacqua, who was already in charge of the province between 2015 and 2019, he will aspire to return to the position Read more

07.05.2023 07:00


Jujuy, between the replacement of Gerardo Morales and the reform of the provincial constitution

Gerardo Morales will leave the governorship (Erica Canepa / Bloomberg)

First, the new governor of the province of Jujuy will be elected, to succeed Gerardo Morales, in charge of the provincial Executive power since December 10, 2015. There are seven formulas among which the citizens of Jujuy must decide.

Deputies and mayors will also be elected.

But one of the novelties is that the citizens of the province will vote for 48 titular conventional constituents and another 24 substitutes, who will be in charge of the partial reform of the provincial Constitution.

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07.05.2023 06:30


What is voted in La Rioja

After the implementation of the electoral calendar in La Pampa, with the local PASO, and the elections carried out in Río Negro and Neuquén, in addition to the Simultaneous and Mandatory Open ones carried out in seven municipalities of Mendoza on April 30, this Sunday May 7th it will be the turn of La Rioja to elect governor, lieutenant governor, mayors and councilors.

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