The Limited Times

Gerardo Morales called for greater "maturity" in Together for Change so that the elections mark "the end of the cycle of Kirchnerism"

5/7/2023, 3:11:06 PM

In the middle of the elections to define his successor in Jujuy, the governor criticized the national government and raised the opposition's challenges for October.

Gerardo Morales

, governor of Jujuy and pre-candidate for president, gave a press conference this Sunday, in the middle of the election to determine his successor, which he defined as a "plebiscite" for his management and made a national reading of the election.

"This coming election has to mark

the end of the cycle of Kirchnerism

that did a lot of damage to Argentina," he said ahead of October.

For this, he asked

to organize the opposition coalition

and settle the differences within the space.

"The country deserves a more mature, responsible situation, given the situation we are experiencing, with unstoppable inflation, with a government that has sunk the ship, the Frente de Todos has generated inflation and uncertainty, generating more poor people every day," he added. .

Morales maintained that the parties of the opposition coalition are going through a "logical process of differences", but that the main leaders are working in an orderly manner.

"JxC has to work more on what we did last week, the possibility of another meeting of presidential candidates, a lot on the government program. We are better than in 2015, so the truth is that we are going to resolve the differences. There is more than in radicalism, in the PRO, that there is a will to order situations," he added.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta will travel to Jujuy when the results of the provincial election are known.

Press photo Morales.

The provincial president also maintained that the radical Civic Union is going through a good moment with competitive candidates in the provinces where elections are held and dialogue within the opposition coalition to consolidate space.

"I believe that this election is going to take place throughout the ongoing schedule with the expectation of having good results as radicalism, but within the framework of JxC," he said.

Regarding the provincial election, where Carlos Sadir, current provincial Finance Minister, will seek to give continuity to the radical management, he maintained that eight years of government, which began in 2015, are being "plebiscited".

"We have recovered peace, restored order, corruption is prey, we managed to control roadblocks, we have generated a great transformation with lithium, renewable energy, medical cannabis, we are committed to public education, we believe in the present State, the school guarantees equality and frees citizens", listed the provincial president.

However, he argued that a good result in the election for governor of Jujuy does not resolve the national question that will begin to move with the closing of the lists and the PASO in August.

"We reestablished order in the state, public accounts, in the lives of the people, it is what has to be done at the national level, when the people elect the next president they will take these things into account, but that is in Jujuy where they are going to reaffirm what has been done, but it does not define the national situation," he remarked.

The front led by the presidential candidate for the UCR arrives as a favorite given the weakness of Peronism, divided into three electoral offers.

The Left Front, with Alejandro Vilca as candidate for governor, expects to reach second place.

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Elections in Jujuy: Gerardo Morales seeks a victory to boost his presidential candidacy