The Limited Times

On Netflix, how is the last of Bruce Willis, In the wrong place

5/7/2023, 12:53:04 PM

He is an ex-cop in the thriller, which premiered on Friday and is already the most watched movie on the platform.

The easy joke would be to say that

In the wrong place

would be to be in front of the television, the tablet or wherever the film is being watched from, one of the eleven!

that Bruce Willis


in 2022 and that no, it had not reached Argentine theaters and since Friday it has been available by streaming on Netflix.

It is the first production that we see with the star of

Die Hard

, after he was diagnosed with

frontotemporal dementia


A disease that alters behaviors and generates memory loss, among other issues.

Of course, none of this is perceived in Bruce or in his performance.

The problems of

In the wrong place

are not only the performances in general, but the direction and a frankly incredible script.

Everything happens to Willis's character: sick daughter, they blame him for being a widower, he resigned from the police and they want to kill him.

netflix photos

Willis is Frank, a former police officer in a small town.

We found out that he is an ex when the film started, when he spent a year, because the beginning has nothing to do with the profession of the protagonist.

"It's cancer" are the first two words heard.

They tell Chloe (Ashley Greene, who was Alice Cullen in the


saga ), Frank's daughter.

Away from the office, Frank and his wife, Chloe's mother, are eating and drinking at a restaurant in their small town, and seeing how they cope with the news.

And it is not going that, on the road, on the way to his house in the forest, in the wrong place a deer comes across.

Bah, it's there, standing.

And no matter how much Frank tries to avoid it... Now yes, a year later, we find out that Frank's wife died in the accident, and he had to resign from the Police, because let's remember that he was drinking, and although he was released, he charged with manslaughter.

Bruce, with that characteristic gesture of his, of turning up his nose as if he were smelling poop.

Frank now works as a security guard at one of those shops in the middle of the route.

He stays at night watching.

"You are cheaper than fixing the security cameras," says the owner of the place, who has been robbed of copper cables, apparently by criminals who are in the methamphetamine business.

Frank, in order not to get bored, plays cards by himself, drinks coffee, smokes a cigar, pours himself more coffee, plays the harmonica.

And, again, he doesn't hear noises, and it's the drug dealer himself who is about to execute a former employee who betrayed him, out there, behind the premises.

Don't ask how they got there.

You know: it's the wrong place, again.

The moment.

A drug trafficker wants to execute a former employee who betrayed him.

And there's Bruce Willis, in the wrong place...

Frank ends up shooting the drug dealer in the leg, who shot his employee in the forehead.

The police arrive, they take the drug dealer and Frank has to be questioned.

Frank has a cap embroidered with the US flag, huge, and on his house a sign that says God Bless America.

a patriot.

It is that the only weapon that was found was his, because the drug trafficker

threw-his-far-and-there-where-his-son was


And the video cameras didn't work.

It's Frank's word, no more.

Of course, the son of the narco will want revenge.

And the sick daughter?

Just, but just around those days she decides to go visit his father, along with her partner Tammy, with whom she doesn't kiss in the entire movie.

Another one that arrives at the wrong place, a day earlier than planned.

Ashley Greene, from the "Twilight" saga, is the protagonist's sick daughter.

We didn't spoil anything about the other character.

At times the film seems like a TV movie, with unnecessary fades to go from one scene to another, as if they marked when the commercial batch is coming.

All wrong

To the bad, forced and incongruous dialogues, add the new police captain, who makes loud comments when he is in danger and there is no one around him, speaking directly to the public.

And that the weapons are badly loaded, because there are several who seem dead, but they get up and are only badly wounded.

Bruce looks tired throughout the projection, and has that characteristic gesture of his, like sniffing poop.

It seems that he would be upset with the script.

Anyway, for a reason this film had a limited release in theaters last year in the United States, and premiered by streaming in many countries.

Like now, in Argentina.

"In the wrong place"


Action / Suspense.

United States, 2022.

Original title:

“Wrong Place”


96', SAM 16.


Mike Burns.


Bruce Willis, Ashley Greene, Michael Sirow.

Available on:


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