The Limited Times

They observe that the flu comes with a good and a bad sign after the Covid pandemic

5/7/2023, 10:41:35 AM

This is indicated by new official data from the Ministry of Health. After three years of maximum alert for SARS-CoV-2, what will happen this winter with the influenza virus.

After the WHO declared the

end of the health emergency

due to the


pandemic this Friday -and, a separate note, dengue shows signs of a decreasing impact every week after the record peak-, the world continues to turn.

Respiratory viruses seem to begin to resume their

seasonal logic

and the flu as a figurehead for winter will say once again present.

During the first months of the year, the number of registered flu cases was

among the lowest in the decade

and that trend continues for now.

According to the data from the latest national Epidemiological Bulletin, the accumulated incidence only exceeds those registered in 2020 and 2021, years in which Covid naturally

took over

the airspace.

The current behavior of the flu is

already different

compared to the overflow of last year, when a historical record of cases was registered in

three atypical waves

, at the beginning, middle and end of the year.

Now, everything indicates that the influenza virus would have returned to put on the usual corset.

Although we will have to wait to determine if the normalization is consolidated.

The good sign is that the

incidence of flu cases

for this time of the year, compared to the same period in other non-pandemic years, is located well


and always in the so-called "safety zone".

Currently there are

315 cases

per 100,000 inhabitants, while the average for the decade -excluding the pandemic- was

467 per 100,000


The record from 2014 to this part was precisely in 2022, when at this point there were

680 cases

per 100,000 people.

However, and despite this optimistic panorama, there is a key fact that is worrying and that is the

slow pace

with which


against influenza is advancing.

The bad sign is that although the campaign began in mid-March, almost two months ago, the proportion of the

vulnerable population

that has been immunized

is low


If it continues like this, that would result in fewer barriers to stop the virus.

There are 2.3 million doses of the trivalent adjuvanted influenza vaccine for those over 65 years of age.

According to data from the Ministry of Health, until May 2, 29.3 percent

of health personnel and

18.5 percent

of pregnant women

had received the vaccine .

Furthermore, only

11.9 percent

of children between the ages of 6 months and two years received the full regimen.


vaccination deficit

in general in the post-pandemic period has already been pointed out and the campaign against the flu would not be the exception.

The flu vaccine is indicated for health personnel, people aged 65 and over, pregnant and postpartum women, girls and boys from 6 to 24 months of age, and individuals from 2 to 64 years of age with risk factors such as obesity, diabetes, respiratory diseases


diseases cardiac, congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies, oncohematological patients, transplant recipients or people with chronic renal failure on dialysis.

All of them are guaranteed free flu vaccine.

The rest who want to apply it must pay for it.

The importance of

more people being vaccinated

- beyond their personal condition - is that it contributes to

"herd immunity"

and, consequently, to the fact that the influenza virus circulates less.

The Ministry of Health urged the population to take advantage of the time of vaccination to do so against the





a single procedure


He spoke of "putting special emphasis on the opportunity to


vaccines as the main strategy in prioritized groups, remembering that the protection conferred by vaccination is not immediate, but rather requires at least

14 days

to generate adequate protection."

Regarding the vaccine against Covid, the Federal Health Council agreed that from now on it will be


for those under 50 years of age and


for those over 50 and the population at risk.

The WHO recommended that these boosters be made with the

bivalent messenger RNA

vaccines from Pfizer or Moderna, adapted for the Omicron variant.

Regarding the flu vaccine, the Government reported that

9,300,000 doses

of the trivalent flu vaccine were purchased, of which 5,500,000 correspond to the trivalent adult, 1,500,000 to the trivalent pediatric and 2,300,000 are doses of trivalent adjuvanted influenza vaccine, intended for people 65 years and older.

Now they have to ensure that

those who have it indicated

are not distracted.


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