The Limited Times

Voting underwater, the table that had a barbecue and the fugitives who fulfilled their civic duty: unusual postcards of the elections in Jujuy, Misiones and La Rioja

5/7/2023, 11:05:08 PM

This Sunday, the three provinces define their new governors at the polls, in addition to local charges. And there was no shortage of surprising situations.

Jujuy, La Rioja and Misiones

define their new governors on a new Sunday of the 2023 elections, as well as local positions.

As in every election day,

there was no shortage of unusual situations a few steps from the polls

, from the table suspended for


to the


who fulfilled their civic duty and were captured.

The province that woke up with a gloomier outlook was Misiones, where the Concord Renovation Front seeks to extend its hegemony of two decades in the governorship.

The complications were expected and foreseeable: in the last six days 100 millimeters of precipitation



Storm alerts were yellow level for the north and orange level for the south and center.

There were

people voting underwater, covering themselves with umbrellas and pilots


In other cases, such as Leandro N. Alem and Garupá, inclement weather made it necessary to move tables and

flooded a school patio


The ruling party, which mobilized a

system of taxis and remises for voters

, will have taken it as a wink for the outgoing governor, Oscar Ahuad, and with the hope of the candidate to succeed him, Hugo Passalacqua.

In keeping with the landscape, there were several who

committed a crime, fled and were caught


In total, there were four fugitives who fell into the security nets with the

electoral hook

Osvaldo C., 57, got up early and showed up at 8:30 a.m. at School 193 in

Mojón Grande


There he was detained: a request for his capture weighed on him since last November for

serious injuries


At 10, they arrested Ernesto I. (26), who had a case for a robbery in Alem.

At Bernardo de Irigoyen School No. 604, they captured Darío L. (29), whom

they had been looking for since March


And at Escuela 21 de Apóstoles, the escape of Alberto N. (26), who believed he had left an episode of injuries and threats

behind him, ended


The four fugitives captured in Misiones when they went to vote.

Unlike the wet Sunday in Misiones, what nobody anticipated was the unusual reason why the elections were paused at a table in La Rioja.

It happened at School No. 97 in the town of Rosario Vera Peñaloza:

table suspended for barbecue


The attorney general of Together for Change denounced it.

"At 1:15 p.m. the voting closed for an hour because the rest went to eat a barbecue and I stayed here alone. We have

a one-hour recess

. The voters come and they are told," he recounted in a video, as reported by the newspaper

The Gazette


In Jujuy there were also accusations.

It happened in Perico

, where in addition to the gubernatorial election, a decisive local party is also at stake: eleven candidates will define the next mayor in twelve polling places.

It will be two months after the dismissal of Luciano Demarco, which left Walter Cardozo in charge of the municipality.

There, the left -very strong in Jujuy- denounced the

distribution of merchandise

for patronage purposes.

From the other point of the political spectrum, Cecilia García Casasco, candidate for governor for the Values, Ideas and Actions (VIA) + Libertarians front, joined.

"It makes me very sad to see that some sectors are managed in a client-oriented manner, with businesses after the needs of the people. They take advantage of the fact that people are in great need," she assured after casting her vote.


look also

Elections 2023: a flood complicates voting in Misiones and exposes the poor state of schools

Elections in La Rioja: voting closed, Quintela is on his way to re-election and there is an expectation for second place