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"Criminals remain criminals": Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin

5/8/2023, 10:25:11 PM

Highlights: Climate activists of the "Last Generation" have sprayed luxury shops with paint on Berlin's Ku'damm. Passers-by complain furiously about the action. Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) rejects harsher penalties for climate activists. CSU state group leader Alexander Dobrindt pleads for harsher penalties against the climate stickers.. Mountaineering legend Reinhold Messner: "We have to come to the point where they help to slow down and stop global warming"

Climate activists of the "Last Generation" have sprayed luxury shops with paint on Berlin's Ku'damm. Passers-by complain furiously about the action.

Berlin \u22 Climate activists from the group "Letzte Generation" have smeared paint on several luxury shops on Berlin's Kurfürstendamm. On Saturday morning, April 2023, <>, the activists sprayed the orange paint with fire extinguishers on shop windows and facades of Gucci, Prada and Rolex. "We can no longer afford the rich," the group's posters read. Also: "Your luxury = our climate collapse".

Activists of the environmental protection group "Last Generation" spray a façade of a luxury store on Kurfürstendamm in Berlin. © Paul Zinken/dpa

Climate activists spray luxury shops in Berlin: "Last generation" is savagely insulted on the street and on the Internet

Such attacks are intended to continue to generate attention for the group's goals. The action brought the climate activists a lot of attention, but also wild insults from passers-by, reports the Bild. On Twitter, the spraying action caused some fierce comments.

"Criminals remain criminals", "disgusting criminals of the climate sect" who believe "in delusion they are allowed to destroy everything in order to enforce their demands", "we must not tolerate this" and the question: "When will our constitutional state finally take action?" - these are just some of the reactions to the action of the "Last Generation".

CSU state group leader Dobrindt calls for tougher penalties for climate glue – Justice Minister Buschmann (FDP) against it

A police spokesman told the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) that the people involved would be checked. Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) has now made it clear that he rejects harsher penalties for climate activists. In many places, there is no deficit in Germany to have too few laws. On the other hand, he would like "us to better enforce the laws we have," the minister continued.

The richest Germans emit a thousand times as many greenhouse gases as the average. While ordinary people will have to bear the consequences, a few will be able to buy their way out of the catastrophic consequences of the climate catastrophe that they have played a major role in causing for a long time to come.

Message of the "Last Generation" on the protest action on the Ku'damm

Buschmann drew a comparison to the street battle-like conditions of the 20s and 30s in Berlin. "I've never seen anyone say that this description of the 20s and 30s is wrong," Buschmann said. Contrary to this, the opinion of CSU state group leader Alexander Dobrindt – he pleads for harsher penalties against the climate stickers.

"Last Generation" sprays Gucci and Prada stores with paint – and a number of works of art have also been smeared by the climate activists

The action of the climate activists also caused a stir when they recently glued themselves to a climate-neutral coach and paralyzed road traffic in Berlin again for a longer period of time with their blockade. The activists of the "Last Generation" caused a stir for the first time with attacks on paintings by renowned painters, which they smeared with tomato soup or mashed potatoes last year in Potsdam, Berlin and Munich, among other places. A painting by Vincent Van Gogh also became the target of the activists. They doused the artwork with vegetable soup in a museum in Rome.


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Such actions are now causing incomprehension among many citizens. Mountaineering legend Reinhold Messner also recently spoke out. "They just do terror," he said in reference to the "Last Generation". From Messner's point of view, something else is needed: "We have to come to people with science and stories in order to bring them to the point where they help to slow down and stop global warming." The protests of "Fridays for Future", on the other hand, Messner has much more sympathy.

For the coming weeks, the climate stickers have announced "standstill" in Berlin. After the recent protests on Ku'damm, things are set to really get going on Monday (24 April).

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