The Limited Times

For the inheritance of the widow Gucci 2 plea bargain, 6 towards trial

5/8/2023, 9:56:10 AM

Highlights: There are six requests for indictment and two plea bargains in the investigation of the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office on the management of the inheritance of the widow of fashion entrepreneur Maurizio Gucci. The defendants are accused of having taken advantage, in various ways, of the state of infirmity of Patrizia Reggiani (sentenced to 26 years for having her husband killed), and even before that of her mother Silvana Barbieri. At the origin, there is the circumvention of incapacity hypothesized against the lawyer MaurizIO Enrico Carlo Giani.

There are six requests for indictment and two plea bargains in the investigation of the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office on the management of the inheritance of the widow of fashion entrepreneur Maurizio Gucci. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - MILAN, 08 MAY - There are six requests for indictment and two plea bargains in the investigation of the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office on the management of the inheritance of the widow of fashion entrepreneur Maurizio Gucci. The defendants are accused of having taken advantage, in various ways, of the state of infirmity of Patrizia Reggiani (sentenced to 26 years for having her husband killed), and even before that of her mother Silvana Barbieri.
At the origin, there is the circumvention of incapacity hypothesized against the lawyer Maurizio Enrico Carlo Giani, who in 2018 would have "taken advantage of the physical and mental fragility" of Barbieri, 90 years old, to induce her to appoint him executor of a will that fixed a legacy of four million, and who instructed Giani to constitute a Foundation heir to the shares of 'Fernando e Silvana Reggiani srl' (90 apartments and the proceeds of the related rents) while the rest of the unproductive or debt-burdened assets had been split and diverted to 'Mauzia srl' and 'Soire srl'.
Reggiani's former cellmate, Loredana Canò, would have convinced her that it was necessary to "make war on daughters" Allegra and Alessandra in order to manage the annuity obtained from Gucci. The woman would have installed herself at the house of the avedova in fact managing her relations with the outside. Always, Canò would have induced Reggiani to take over as its support administrator the lawyer Daniele Pizzi, who would then have authorized operations "not in the interest of Reggiani but of his associates". Accusation rejected by Pizzi (despite having chosen to adhere to the plea bargain proposed by the prosecutors to two years with suspended sentence).
The financial consultant Marco Chiesa would have been suggested by Canò and Pizzi to Reggiani for the management of the company: a life insurance policy of 6.6 million was also stipulated with beneficiaries for a third Canò, for a third the companion of the father of Chiesa (Maria Angela Stimoli, who chose to negotiate 10 months), and for a third the university companion and witness of Pizzi's wedding, Marco Riva.
Canò is finally accused of a theft of jewels in 2017 at Casa Reggiani. Among the accusations of embezzlement 15,000 euros in cash from the TV channel Discovery+ for an interview with Reggiani. (ANSA).