The Limited Times

Julieta Poggio was pure energy in her debut in Fuerza Brute

5/8/2023, 8:55:32 PM

Highlights: The former Big Brother showed off in her presentation at the AVEN show. Several former 'little brothers' gave him their support. Julieta will be part of the cast of Coqueluche, the play that will be directed by José María Muscari and will star Betiana Blum. The possibility of seeing her in the Bailando is increasingly distant due to contract issues, Julieta, along with other former participants of the reality, will have her streaming program on the Telefe channel.

The former Big Brother showed off in her presentation at the AVEN show. Several former 'little brothers' gave him their support.

Julieta Poggio continues to accumulate artistic achievements after her departure from Big Brother (Telefe). On this occasion, the dancer, model and actress had a great debut in the show AVEN of Fuerza Bruta.

Days ago, the exGH was summoned to join a series of presentations at AVEN, the happiest show in the world, the show that takes place in the SINPISO room of GEBA; just as Flor Vigna had done.

The porteña was pure energy in her debut, impacting all those present with a great corporal effort during more than an hour of show.

Julieta Poggio in Fuerza Bruta. Photo courtesy of Sophia Alexandre.

"It's crazy, it's a project that I was always a fan of, I always went to see it and I can't believe that now I'm going to be part of it," Julieta had said in the run-up to her first presentation, making it clear how much she wanted to be part of Fuerza Bruta.

Among the audience were several former 'little brothers', such as Marcos Ginocchio, Thiago Medina, Daniela Celis, Romina Uhrig, Nacho Castañares and Lucila "La Tora" Villar.

Julieta Poggio in Fuerza Bruta. Photo courtesy of Sophia Alexandre.

AVEN, the show of Fuerza Bruta that featured the participation of Juli Poggio. Photo courtesy of Sophia Alexandre.

Also present were Juliet's parents and her boyfriend, Lucca Bardelli.

"The rehearsals were short but very intense because it requires a lot of energy," Julieta told TN after her first performance.

Julieta Poggio in Fuerza Bruta. Photo courtesy of Sophia Alexandre.

Julieta Poggio in Fuerza Bruta. Photo courtesy of Sophia Alexandre.

And then the exGH highlighted the support received by her castmates: "They helped me a lot, they gave me the space, they taught me with a lot of love and made me feel super comfortable."

Julieta Poggio in Fuerza Bruta. Photo courtesy of Sophia Alexandre.

Julieta Poggio in Fuerza Bruta. Photo courtesy of Sophia Alexandre.

"It's a unique experience and everyone has to come and see it to take it with them," added Julieta, inviting the show.

She will perform five more functions with Fuerza Bruta, on Wednesday 10 (21 hs), Friday 12 (22hs), Wednesday 17, (21hs), Thursday 18 (21hs) and Friday 19 (21hs).

Julieta Poggio in Fuerza Bruta. Photo courtesy of Sophia Alexandre.

What is Julieta Poggio's other artistic project?

The former Big Brother confirmed that she will be part of the cast of Coqueluche, the play that will be directed by José María Muscari and will star Betiana Blum. "She is pure light, I love it because she combines empathy and talent," Muscari said of Julieta.

For its part, while the possibility of seeing her in the Bailando is increasingly distant due to contract issues, Julieta, along with other former participants of the reality, will have her streaming program on the Telefe channel.

Next to her would be Nacho Castañares, Lucila 'la Tora' Villar and Daniela Celis.


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