The Limited Times

Parent taxis, buses and bikers: Where the police in the district of Freising this week are particularly tight

5/8/2023, 6:15:08 PM

Highlights: "Viktor" is "an intensification concept in which the most common causes of accidents are to be combated with the help of the cooperation of all police forces" The aim is to influence the number of traffic accidents and their consequences "as positively and sustainably as possible" The focus of this safety program is also on safety on rural roads. The Freising police therefore want to monitor popular motorcycle routes with speed measurements this week. The most common cause of accidents involving motorcycles is and remains excessive speed.

In the district of Freising, the police are carrying out large-scale checks this week. Symbolic image © Jens Wolf/dpa

Attention road users: This week, comprehensive police checks will take place in the district of Freising. All information about "Viktor" - as the measure is officially called.

Freising – You should beware of "Viktor" this week. These are police checks on a very large scale, which are also carried out in the district of Freising: As part of the current Bavarian road safety program, the Freising police inspectorate is carrying out increased traffic controls this week - i.e. until Sunday, May 14 - as part of a large-scale traffic concept operation. "Viktor" is "an intensification concept in which the most common causes of accidents are to be combated with the help of the cooperation of all police forces," reports Police Superintendent Robert Weller from the Traffic Department of the Freising Inspectorate.

Targeting parent taxis

The aim is to influence the number of traffic accidents and their consequences "as positively and sustainably as possible". According to Weller, safety in pedestrian traffic and cycling has been defined as a "core task". In the city of Freising, the PI will therefore increasingly target cycling facilities such as protective lanes, cycle lanes and cycle paths with bicycle lanes and point out cyclists as well as motorists to their correct behaviour. But also the behavior of "parent taxis" in front of the schools should be "considered". Weller: "The goal here is to get a grip on the illegal parking in front of Freising's schools and kindergartens."

Topic bus transport

In addition, public transport will become the focus of the police. Weller: "Not only the correct behavior of the passengers, but also that of the bus drivers and, above all, the correct behavior of the drivers at a bus stop is scrutinized more closely."

(By the way: Everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

Attention, bikers!

The focus of this safety program is also on safety on rural roads. The Freising police therefore want to monitor popular motorcycle routes with speed measurements this week. Weller: "Especially now, at the beginning of the motorcycle season, motorcyclists should once again be made aware of an adapted driving style. The most common cause of accidents involving motorcycles is and remains excessive speed." With the support of the riot police, overtaking bans on rural roads are also monitored. One focus here will be the B13 around Hohenkammer. At night, the PI Freising wants to state its traffic monitoring activity for tuning and drug controls.

Truck inspections

Since the Europe-wide focus control week "Truck & Bus 2023" is taking place at the same time, PI Freising will also check trucks and buses in addition to the riot police. Drivers of vans and parcel delivery services are specifically checked for compliance with driver regulations.


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According to Weller, the Freising police hopes to be able to "create a somewhat increased awareness of danger" among the population "through these targeted preventive and repressive efforts". Ft

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