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Removing stickers from the car: These home remedies work

5/8/2023, 7:25:21 PM

Highlights: There are stickers on many cars. But what happens if the slogan or logo is to be removed? There are some helpful tips for removing bumper stickers. The basic principle of removing car stickers is usually the same. First, the sticker should be heated so that the adhesive softens. Then, polish the paint of the car and seal it if necessary. But there is another very simple tip that can possibly save you all the effort. Consider beforehand whether you absolutely need a sticker on the car.

There are stickers on many cars. But what happens if the slogan or logo is to be removed? There are some helpful tips for removing bumper stickers.

Stickers on cars were and are in vogue. "Baby on board", "No, I don't want to sell my car" or "Abi" stickers can be seen again and again, but company logos or the like can also be found on the Audis, Mercedes and Co. in Germany. But: What if you don't want the stickers anymore? After all, not every sticker is allowed.

Removing it is a great challenge for many people, especially since the car paint should not be damaged. There are one or two tips when removing the car stickers.

Remove car stickers: No need for an expensive product – home remedies help

The basic principle of removing car stickers is usually the same: First you should heat the stickers, then process them with a solvent and either the glue will come off or you will need a tool for it. Now there are special remedies that are intended for exactly this purpose and also promise easy removal, but home remedies are usually cheaper and often even gentler when it comes to car paint.

Vinegar is such a home remedy. Mixed with water, it works wonders and removes bumper stickers quickly. Simply use lukewarm water, add a few tablespoons of vinegar and, at best, dab the mixture onto the car sticker with a clean cloth. Depending on the sticker, you may have to repeat the procedure, but: In the end, the sticker comes off. The best thing about the vinegar-water mixture: It also helps with "contamination on car seats", as "" writes.

Removing bumper stickers made easy: With these home remedies it works

But vinegar isn't the only home remedy you can use to remove bumper stickers. Cooking oil, which was sold at horrendous prices at Aldi, Lidl and Co. a few months ago, also helps – and even without any mixture at all. Another household tip is dish soap. Usually used on dishes, washing-up liquid also helps against bumper stickers.

High school graduation, parents or beginners - the sayings of the bumper stickers know no bounds. © Imago/MiS

Take a little "dishwashing liquid", put it in hot water and then, as with vinegar, apply with a cloth. Then leave it on for a few minutes and remove the sticker from the car. Such everyday tips can also be referred to as life hacks. They come in all sorts of variations. So you can also use tips when washing clothes to get the wrinkles out, as reported.

Car sticker removed and now? Polishing and sealing paint

If you have some electricity nearby, you can also use a hair dryer, according to "" Simply point the hair dryer at the sticker and expose it to warm air until the glue softens. Then the sticker is careful, but easily removable from the car. The tricks usually work the same. First, the sticker should be heated so that the adhesive softens, then the car sticker can be removed.


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Afterwards you should also make sure to remove the glue residue and then polish the paint of the car and seal it if necessary. Especially if the place where the bumper sticker was stands out. But there is another very simple tip that can possibly save you all the effort: Consider beforehand whether you absolutely need a sticker on the car.