The Limited Times

Serie A: Sassuolo-Bologna 1-1 LIVE

5/8/2023, 7:45:31 PM

Highlights: Sassuolo took the lead in the 15th minute through Berardi. Thiago Motta's team equalized. Domínguez signs the Bolognese draw (ANSA). Sassuolo 1-1 Bologna LIVE. The last match of the 34th day of the championship. The result at Mapei is immediately unlocked. The match will be shown live on Serie A's official website. The game will also be shown on Sky Sports Football and Sky Sports Italia.

Sassuolo took the lead in the 15th minute through Berardi. Domínguez signs the Bolognese draw (ANSA)

Sassuolo 1-1 Bologna LIVE

Berardi scores in the 15th minute. The result at Mapei is immediately unlocked. Defrel throws the black-and-green counter-attack and opens to the right for the blue fantasist. Berardi did not return on the left, but kicked with his right at the near post and electrocuted Skorupski under the crossbar.

42' Dominguez scores. Suddenly, at the first shot on goal, Thiago Motta's team equalized. Cambiaso finds Dominguez at the edge of the area who, more precisely from the crescent, looks for the crossing of the posts and finds a wonderful net. Bologna drew in the Emilian derby with a super goal.

The last match of the 34th day of the championship.

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