The Limited Times

Sports car driver loses his nerve: Ferrari meeting near Kitzbühel ends in fiasco

5/8/2023, 9:05:10 PM

Highlights: Sports car driver loses his nerve in Austria: Ferrari meeting near Kitzbühel ends in fiasco. Other Ferraris also wanted to drive behind the 63-year-old on the main road, apparently the man lost his nerve and stepped on the gas. The impact was so violent that the rear wheel of the Ferrari was torn off and the sports car landed in an adjacent meadow. Two cubs were spotted with a mother bear in Tyrol. The Federal Foreign Office is examining a travel warning for South Tyrol during the holiday season.

After the accident, the Ferrari is halfway into the ZOOM banquet ©. TYROL

A Ferrari meeting in a luxury hotel in Kirchdorf near Kitzbühel (Tyrol) ended in a fiasco on Saturday. When a 63-year-old disregarded the right of way, there was a violent crash.

Kitzbühel - Just as a parade of sports cars wanted to leave the entrance of the hotel to the main road, a Ferrari driver (63) from Lower Austria drove out of the exit from a five-star hotel on the Loferer Straße - the federal road B178. In the passenger seat of the red car sat a 66-year-old passenger.

Sports car driver loses his nerve in Austria: Ferrari meeting near Kitzbühel ends in fiasco

Other Ferraris also wanted to drive behind the 63-year-old on the main road, apparently the man lost his nerve and stepped on the gas. On the B173, however, a motorist (42) was on the road, there was an accident, the Honda rammed the Ferrari. The impact was so violent that the rear wheel of the Ferrari was torn off and the sports car landed in an adjacent meadow.

The 66-year-old passenger in the Ferrari and the 42-year-old Honda driver were slightly injured, and the small car was also severely damaged. During the recording of the accident, the main road was only passable in one lane in the area of the entrance. Then nothing moved quickly.

News from Austria and South Tyrol – what else might be of interest to you

Currently, the Alpine countries of Austria, Italy and Germany are in a state of excitement about the busy bears. In Tyrol, two cubs were spotted with a mother bear. We give an overview of what you can do if you come face to face with one of these animals. At the same time, thedeadly bear attack in Italy could have further implications. The Federal Foreign Office is examining a travel warning for South Tyrol during the holiday season.

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