The Limited Times

Texas Deploys 540 National Guardsmen with Black Hawk Helicopters to Border and Seeks to Make Illegal Entry a Felony

5/8/2023, 6:24:57 PM

Highlights: Abbott sends an "elite" force with trained riot gear to "intercept, repel and push back" immigrants before the end of Title 42. "Many thousands more" of migrants will be sent in the coming days from Texas to cities led by Democrats (such as New York, Chicago or Washington D.C.), he said. The 545 military personnel will be deployed this week with the support of drones, helicopters, and technological equipment. "That includes airplanes. That includes boats in the water, night vision, as well as riot gear," Abbott said.

Abbott sends an "elite" force with trained riot gear to "intercept, repel and push back" immigrants before the end of Title 42.

The governor of Texas, Republican Greg Abbott, announced on Monday the deployment of tactical teams of the National Guard in the most active crossing points of the border, with the dispatch this week of 545 military with the support of Black Hawk helicopters, boats and drones, before the massive arrival of migrants by the end of the norm known as Title 42 at midnight from Thursday to Friday.

Abbott, who accuses the government of Democrat Joe Biden of not doing enough at the border, also announced that "many thousands more" of migrants will be sent in the coming days from Texas to cities led by Democrats (such as New York, Chicago or Washington D.C.), thus intensifying the bus transfers of asylum seekers that it has been carrying out for months.

He added that he is pushing bills in the state Congress to make it a felony to enter the country irregularly, so that he can imprison immigrants who will later be deported, as well as operate or work in a hiding house for immigrants.

The governor made the announcement on an Austin airport tarmac as members of the so-called Texas Tactical Border Force boarded four C-130 cargo planes behind him, carrying M16 rifles and a variety of tactical gear.

Members of the Texas National Guard prepare to go to the border. Eric Gay / AP

Abbott said it is an "elite" force specially trained to work on the border. "They will be deployed at hotspots along the border to intercept, repel and push back" immigrants crossing into Texas without legal authorization, he said.

The 545 military personnel will be deployed this week with the support of drones, helicopters, and technological equipment. "That includes airplanes. That includes boats in the water, night vision, as well as riot gear to prepare for anything they may encounter while protecting and securing our border," he said.

He explained that soldiers can curb immigration in a number of ways, such as "physically returning [to Mexico] those who are trying to cross the border illegally"; build barriers with "miles of concertina wire" that prevent them from moving forward; or identify points where drug cartels work and stop them.

A reinforced border

In places like the Texas city of El Paso, where migrants have filled shelters and been seen sleeping on sidewalks, National Guard soldiers and Texas Department of Public Safety troops have already deployed as part of Abbott's Operation Lone Star. "Texas continues to take unprecedented steps to respond to this crisis," the governor said.

Before the end of Title 42, a rule activated by former President Donald Trump in March 2020 to expel thousands of migrants in an express way alleging health risk, the Biden government has hardened the right to asylum and has announced the deployment of 1,500 soldiers on the border to assist federal authorities. But Abbott dismissed the importance of this initiative, saying the troops will primarily perform administrative tasks.

"We Are Ready": Secretary of Homeland Security Explains How the Government Is Preparing for the End of Title 42

May 5, 202304:03

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas vowed to immediately expel those who enter the country and do not qualify for asylum under Title 8 of the Code of Federal Statutes.

In an interview with Noticias Telemundo, Mayorkas indicated that the government "is ready" for the massive arrival of migrants, but acknowledged that "the situation on the border is very serious" and described it as "a very difficult challenge." He said that "if [immigrants] come on May 11, the United States will use immigration authorities and there will be more severe consequences than Title 42."

El Paso Won't Allow Migrants Processed by Border Patrol to Stay Overnight on the Streets

May 3, 202300:54

[U.S. agrees with Mexico new measures to accept more migrants from certain countries expelled from the border]

Although border agents can remove more quickly under Title 42 because it puts the right to asylum on hold, migrants are not subject to the penalties they will now face under Title 8: including up to two years in prison if they re-enter the country illegally after being deported.

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