The Limited Times

Chamber, opposition motions on Women's Option rejected

5/9/2023, 12:57:43 PM

Highlights: The majority motion on the Women's Option was approved in the Chamber with 164 votes in favor and 106 against. All the opposition motions that aimed tout court at the restoration of the "Women's Option" were rejected. "Anger remains for us and for the many workers, the result of the betrayal carried out by the government and the majority", says the deputy of the M5s Chiara Appendino. "It is not enough to be president of the Council of women to make policies in favor of women," she adds.

Pass the text of the majority (ANSA)

Yes "to specific initiatives to combat the gender pension gap, attested by data on the trend of pensions paid by INPS". This is provided for by the majority motion on the Women's Option approved in the Chamber with 164 votes in favor and 106 against. All the opposition motions that aimed tout court at the restoration of the "Women's Option" were rejected.

The text approved by the Assembly of Montecitorio then commits the government "to identify, in government action and compatibly with public finance constraints, as part of the reforms of the pension system forms of flexibility of access for women to pension treatment and / or early retirement" and "to study innovative formulas to integrate work performance with life and care times".

"Anger remains for us and for the many workers, the result of the betrayal carried out by the government and the majority. First a legitimate expectation was created, with the explicit commitment to extend the Women's Option in the electoral program of Fratelli d'Italia, and then this expectation was killed. Meloni & Co. call themselves 'patriots'. It's true, they are: patriots of inconsistency": so the deputy of the M5s Chiara Appendino. "Even today, on Option Donna, the government and the majority that supports it have shown their true face. The rejection of our motion, with which we asked to restore the measure with the old requirements, is only the latest act in a series of mockery that have been going on for months on the shoulders of over 20 thousand women. Women who had gained the right to retire and who can no longer do so, because the same executive that is afraid to tax the extra millionaire profits of the banks, the energy and pharmaceutical sectors has decided to use them as an ATM. In recent months we have well understood that it is not enough to be president of the Council of women to make policies in favor of women: indeed here we see the opposite phenomenon", she concludes.