The Limited Times

Death in Retirement: Toxicology studies reported that Emmily Rodrigues consumed alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, MDMA and ketamine

5/9/2023, 10:15:38 PM

Highlights: Emmily Rodrigues Santos Gomes, 26, died after falling from a sixth floor in Buenos Aires. A toxicological study found she consumed alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and synthetic drugs. Her lawyer claims it was supplied by the owner of the apartment, businessman Francisco Saenz Valiente. The incident occurred on March 30, after Emmily went to dinner with a group of friends at a restaurant in Costanera Norte and, later, at a bar in Palermo.

The Brazilian model who died after falling from a sixth floor used different types of drugs. His lawyer claims it was supplied by the owner of the apartment, businessman Francisco Saenz Valiente.

The death of Brazilian Emmily Rodrigues Santos Gomes (26), who fell from the sixth floor of a Retiro building in confusing circumstances, added new information to the cause on Tuesday. This is the toxicological study in which it was known that the woman consumed alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and synthetic drugs before falling out of the window of the house of the agro businessman Francisco Sáenz Valiente.

It is a report of the Laboratory of Toxicology and Legal Chemistry of the Forensic Medical Corps that was received by the investigating judge Martín Del Viso and the prosecutors Santiago Vismara and Mariela Labozzetta, which was considered by the lawyers representing the parents of the Brazilian model that "confirm the first hypothesis, that is, that there was a supply of narcotics" by the owner of the apartment.

According to the study, Emmily had "one gram of alcohol in his blood and traces of methylecgonine (metabolite of cocaine)," while cocaine and ketamine were found in the bile analysis.

According to the conclusions of the study, in the urine was found concentration of cocaine, MDMA (component of the drug called 'Tuci', the abbreviated way of calling the 'Tucibi' by the English pronunciation of the acronym 2C-B, which is the misnamed "pink cocaine"), ketamine and marijuana, while in the nostrils they found traces of cocaine.

Both the businessman Sáenz Valiente and the women who were in the apartment had admitted in the framework of the file that they had consumed alcohol and drugs that night.

Francisco Sáenz Valiente (52) and Emmily Rodrigues Santos Gomes (26).

Meanwhile, the swabs to Emmily's body were negative for the presence of seminal fluid, which coincides with what was stated in the investigation by the accused, who said that that night he did not have sexual relations with the victim or that there had been a sex party.

However, during a raid on the apartment, police detectives seized used condoms that are being analyzed in laboratories.

Ignacio Trimarco, the lawyer representing the victim's parents in the case, told Telam that these studies "confirm the first fiscal hypothesis, that is, that there was a supply of narcotics."

Emmily Rodrigues, the 26-year-old Brazilian who died when she fell from a sixth floor on Libertad Street at 1500, in the City of Buenos Aires.

"No one said Emmily carried all these drugs except a marijuana cigarette. The rest of the drugs were served," said the lawyer, who also pointed directly against the agricultural businessman: "This confirms that (Francisco) Sáenz Valiente does not consume almost anything that he gives Emmily and the rest of the girls to consume, since his toxicological gives only cocaine. "

"The supply of drugs for us is proven and the outcome of death is what is being investigated," said the lawyer, who maintained that "these crimes happen inside and there are a lot of elements that corroborate that this was not a suicide."

Trimarco also recalled that the results of "expert examinations of vessels, sequestered syringes and other evidence" have yet to be known.

The Fatal Night

The incident occurred on March 30, after Emmily went to dinner with a group of friends at a restaurant in Costanera Norte and, later, at a bar in Palermo.

The Brazilian model arrived at 3.21 in the morning at the apartment of Sáenz Valiente, on the sixth floor of Libertad 1542, in the neighborhood of Retiro, driving the Jeep Compass truck that her boyfriend had lent her.

According to the security cameras of the building, she and her friends Juliana Magalhaes Mourao and Dafne Gutiérrez Santana went up to the apartment of Sáenz Valiente, where a fourth woman, Lía Figueroa Alves, friend of the accused, was already there.

According to the investigators, after a morning of excesses with the intake of alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and "tuci", Rodrigues suffered an apparent psychotic break and at 9.18 she ended up falling naked through a window to the inner courtyard of the block lung of the building, when in the apartment only Sáenz Valiente and Magalhaes Murao were, in a death that Justice tries to elucidate if it was a femicide or a suicide in the framework of some type of drug intake.

Although additional expertise is awaited, the autopsy concluded that the death was the result of "polytrauma" and "internal and external hemorrhages" compatible with the fall of the sixth floor and ruled out defensive injuries prior to the fall or signs of a sexual attack.

Sáenz Valiente spent 20 days imprisoned in the 4 Bis Annex warden of the City Police, in the neighborhood of Barracas, until last April 18 the judge in Criminal and Correctional 31, Martín Del Viso, released him for lack of merit, a judicial decision that was appealed by the complaint and the prosecution.

With information from Télam


See also

Death in Retiro: "I wish that girl had never come to my house", the lament of the businessman

"Love, where are you," Emmily's message to her boyfriend before falling off the balcony