The Limited Times

In Diyarbakir, Kurds vote for peace and against Erdogan

5/9/2023, 5:25:12 PM

Highlights: As the May 14 election approaches, the minority is determined to turn the page on the war years. Special Envoy to Diyarbakir (south-east Turkey) Sahperi Alpan was assigned a new, "terrorist" role, which she was not ready to play. "They confiscated my mobile phone, three books on Kurdish history and even returned the laundry bag," she says. "I would have preferred us to talk about literature and directing," says the 29-year-old Kurdish actress.

REPORT - As the May 14 election approaches, the minority is determined to turn the page on the war years.

Special Envoy to Diyarbakir (south-east Turkey)

She sits exhausted at the backstage table of the Amed Sehir Theatre in Diyarbakir. Behind her, props and costumes compete for the wall. "I would have preferred us to talk about literature and directing," says Sahperi Alpan in his blue and white striped T-shirt. But on the night of 24 to 25 April, the Turkish authorities assigned her a new, "terrorist" role, which she was not ready to play. That morning, around 5 a.m., the 29-year-old Kurdish actress was awakened by "repeated knocks on the front door". She jumps out of bed, glues her eye to the peephole, and distinguishes eight strangers on her landing. "Open! It's the police," screams one of them, pistol on his belt and arrest warrant in one hand. Her husband, in shock, spins the handle. The police invade the apartment, search every room, every corner. "They confiscated my mobile phone, three books on Kurdish history and even returned the laundry bag...

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