The Limited Times

Superclásico scandal: a video was revealed with the provocation of another River player that was not seen and skipped the VAR

5/9/2023, 5:25:46 PM

Highlights: Like Palavecino, footballer Pablo Solari also celebrated Borja's goal in the face of a Boca defender.. The Superclásico ended scandalously at the end. The conflict began from minor to major and ended up taking seven expelled between both teams. The VAR did not detect it either, but could have informed the referee as it did after the tumult. It is worth remembering that moments before the penalty (caused by Solari), Valentini had been captured celebrating as a goal a closure that he had made just to the former Colo-Colo.

Like Palavecino, footballer Pablo Solari also celebrated Borja's goal in the face of a Boca defender.

The Superclásico ended scandalously at the end. With the controversy generated with the penalty and the provocative celebration of Agustín Palavecino in the face of Sergio Romero after Borja's goal, a fight of monumental size was generated. The conflict began from minor to major and ended up taking seven expelled between both teams. However, there was one who was the protagonist of the unfortunate episode but came out immune: Pablo Solari.

As the days go by, new views of the party, captured by various cameras, begin to appear. And that's how from an exclusive image of ESPN ended up finding the former Colo-Colo making a celebration of mockery towards the Xeneize team, which had not been captured so far. The VAR did not detect it either, but could have informed the referee as it did after the tumult.

Pablo Solari came in and was key to River's triumph. Photo: EFE/Juan Ignacio Roncoroni.

The provocation and similarity between the celebrations of Palavecino and Solari are identical. The only difference is that one generated the reaction of Chiquito Romero and the rest of the Boca players.

As soon as Borja converted the penalty, Solari shouts the winning goal in the face of Nicolás Valentini, Boca's young central defender. In an instant, the former Colo-Colo celebrated twice in that way and then seemed to come to his senses to continue his career towards the group of players that was in the corner of the court.

Finally, the chaos ended up exploding in another sector, with Palavecino. Coincidence or not, Valentini ended up being one of the three starting players sent off by referee Dario Herrera.

It is worth remembering that moments before the penalty (caused by Solari), Valentini had been captured celebrating as a goal a closure that he had made just to the former Colo-Colo.

The match seemed destined for a boring 0-0 until Herrera's ruling came. Photo: Luis ROBAYO / AFP.

Palavecino's gesture that sparked the fight

While all the River players celebrated on the side of the field called by the Colombian Borja, Agustín Palavecino stood at the door of the area shouting the goal in front of several Boca players, including Jorge Figal and Sergio Romero. Then, Chiquito Romero faced him, held him by the upper back, surrounded several xeneizes players, and the great fight was set.

Both benches of substitutes entered the field, the River players who were celebrating joined the brawl, also the men of the private security with their orange vests, and for a quarter of an hour there was a Dantesque scene, a pile of more than 50 characters that moved menacingly from the center of the field of play to the side of the San Martín stalls.

Enzo Pérez, captain of River, questioned Palavecino's attitude, and the footballer came out to recognize that he had made a mistake.

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