The Limited Times

'Stop attacking the division of powers', the reaction of the opposition to the national chain of Alberto Fernández

5/10/2023, 8:55:45 PM

Highlights: Alberto Fernández questioned with strong terms the suspension of the gubernatorial elections that this Sunday were going to take place in Tucumán and San Juan. Horacio Rodríguez Larreta demanded that the president stop interceding in the Judicial and Legislative Branches. Patricia Bullrich said: "Those who violate the law always have problems with the judges" María Eugenia Vidal spoke of "threats" to the members of the tribunal. "The dollar at $470, year-on-year inflation at 104.3%, poverty at 39%... The President? On National Chain threatening the judges of the Supreme Court"

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta demanded that the president stop interceding in the Judicial and Legislative Branches. Criticism from Together for Change.

After Alberto Fernández's harsh national chain against the Supreme Court, opposition leaders came out to question the president for the tenor of his words. "Stop attacking the division of powers," Horacio Rodríguez Larreta asked him, while Patricia Bullrich said: "Those who violate the law always have problems with the judges."

This noon, almost 24 hours after the resolution of the highest court, Fernández questioned with strong terms the suspension of the gubernatorial elections that this Sunday were going to take place in Tucumán and San Juan, after the presentation of appeals from the opposition for alleged irregularities in the nomination of Juan Manzur and Sergio Uñac.

"The Supreme Court of Justice has shown once again that it is capable of adapting its decisions to the political needs of the opposition and thus, once again, has revealed its anti-democratic character and its profound disregard for the federal regime that governs us," said the national president, who also criticized Mauricio Macri.

His words aroused the rapid rejection of the opposition, with demonstrations of its greatest exponents.

"Mr. President, a total and lasting change includes you ceasing to undermine the division of powers. Here the only hostages are the Argentines, hostages of their inability to govern," reacted Rodríguez Larreta, head of the Buenos Aires government and presidential candidate for Together for Change.

Patricia Bullrich, another candidate for the JxC candidacy, also expressed herself. "Those who violate the lawalways have problems with the judges," said the president of the PRO on leave, who seemed to extend her remarks to the entire Kirchner arc, which since 2020 has been demanding a reform of Justice.

Patricia Bullrich also criticized Alberto Fernández for his national network against the Supreme Court. Photo Juano Tesone

Gerardo Morales, another with presidential aspirations in JxC (in his case, for the UCR), tried to "ignorant" Fernández. "It speaks of political interference showing a worrying ignorance about the legislation of each province," said the governor of Jujuy.

Deputy Cristian Ritondo also used strong words to criticize Alberto F's message.

"The law professor goes on national television to repeat lies and bastard the division of powers. Although it hurts them, we will continue to denounce their attempts to take the Republic, "said the also pre-candidate for governor of the Province of Buenos Aires.

María Eugenia Vidal, for her part, preferred to compare Fernández's concern with Argentina's economic emergencies and spoke of "threats" to the members of the tribunal.

"The dollar at $470, year-on-year inflation at 104.3%, poverty at 39%... The President? On National Chain threatening the judges of the Supreme Court," wrote the former governor of Buenos Aires, who last week clarified that she will not compete in the national elections.

Senator Martín Lousteau said that Fernández "lies" and recalled the removal of funds from the co-participation to the City of Buenos Aires, jurisdiction in which the referent of Radical Evolution wants to compete in the 2023 elections.

"Again, the President lies. Democracy is strengthened by defending institutions, the division of powers and abiding by judicial rulings. Federalism is respecting provincial autonomies, but within a republican regime established by the National Constitution," Lousteau began.

"The Court did not take 'resources from all the provinces to give them to the City', but restored a slap that Alberto Fernández made to the porteños in the pandemic to solve a problem for Kicillof that, in addition, did not solve," the former Minister of Economy completed.

Cristian Ritondo and María Eugenia Vidal came out to criticize Alberto Fernández's national network against the Court, in which he also questioned Mauricio Macri.

The national deputy Maximiliano Ferraro also made an analysis of the resolution, from its correct point, of the Supreme Court and then criticized Alberto F. for "damaging the presidential investiture."

"The President fails to comply and ignores that the Supreme Court has the obligation to guarantee the representative and republican system in all provinces (arts. 5, 116 and 117 CN). In 1853/60 the provinces agreed to be part of a republic, not a feudal monarchy. The rest of the country cannot leave its citizens unprotected from abuses by local petty tyrants," the Civic Coalition leader said.

And he concluded: "The President should stop damaging the presidential inauguration and abandon unconducive speeches. There is no democracy without respect for the Constitution, alternation in power and limits to anti-democratic vices such as re-elections."

"Stop repeating Kirchnerist lies", Mario Negri's claim to Alberto Fernández

One of his colleagues in the precinct and in the political space, Mario Negr, accused the president of "violating" the National Constitution. "This is not the first time that you interfere in the powers of Justice and that is why there are requests for impeachment against you in Congress that you order not to be treated. Who violates the Constitution is you when you do not abide by rulings of the Supreme Court, "said the radical deputy.

He also responded to Fernández for his questioning of the appointment of Carlos Rosenkrantz and Horacio Rosatti as members of the Court: "Stop repeating the Kirchner lies. Judges Rosatti and Rosenkrantz had the endorsement of 60 and 58 senators respectively, the bulk of them were from the Justicialist Party that you preside. These are the facts."

José Luis Espert, still on the waiting list to formally join Together for Change, called it "false" that, as Fernández said, the Court violates the division of powers and federalism.

"The provincial autonomies are respected as long as they do not attempt against the spirit of the Constitution that is the non-eternalization in the positions. Moreover, the Court should prohibit Manzur and Uñac from being candidates," said the national deputy for Avanza Libertad.


See also

On national television, Alberto Fernández accused the Supreme Court of "undemocratic" and pointed against Mauricio Macri

Kirchnerism repudiated Horacio Rosatti and boycotted a meeting of the Council of the Magistracy