The Limited Times

Foreign trade, a black spot in the French economy

5/10/2023, 6:46:16 PM

Highlights: In 2022, its FOB/FOB deficit, excluding transport and insurance costs, amounted to €164 billion compared to €85 billion a year earlier. The surge is largely due to energy bills, but also to the growing deficit in manufactured goods. "We decided to focus on products, especially products of everyday life," explained François Bayrou, the High Commissioner for Planning. It appears that two-thirds are in trade deficit, and more than 1000 have deficits of more than 50 million euros.

This result is mainly due to the energy bill and the growing deficit of manufactured goods.

The High Commission for Planning has examined, in a note published on Wednesday, not the attractiveness of the site France to global investors but the attractiveness of its products to international consumers - that is to say on foreign trade, a black spot of the French economy. In 2022, its FOB/FOB deficit, excluding transport and insurance costs, amounted to €164 billion compared to €85 billion a year earlier. The surge is largely due to energy bills, but also to the growing deficit in manufactured goods.

See alsoForeign trade: the energy bill, a chasm for the France

It is on this aspect that the teams of the commissariat have particularly focused. "We decided to focus on products, especially products of everyday life," explained François Bayrou, the High Commissioner for Planning. We have compiled a list of more than 9000 of them. It appears that two-thirds are in trade deficit, and more than 1000 have deficits of more than 50 million...

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