The Limited Times

Maïwenn admits to having assaulted Edwy Plenel in "Quotidien"

5/10/2023, 9:06:31 PM

Highlights: Maïwenn was in "Quotidien" to present her film, Jeanne du Barry, which will open the 76th Cannes Film Festival next Tuesday. Yann Barthès invited her to react on her altercation with Edwy Plenel. The actress refused to explain why she had attacked the journalist of Mediapart. "It's well tried but this is not the time. I am very anxious about the release of my film, " she concluded without excluding not to talk about it later.

Tonight, the guest of Yann Barthès, who came to present his film Jeanne du Barry, confirmed her altercation with the founder of Mediapart.

A game of yes and no. On Wednesday evening, Maïwenn was in "Quotidien" to present her film, Jeanne du Barry, which will open the 76th Cannes Film Festival next Tuesday. But the director didn't just talk about cinema. Yann Barthès invited her to react on her altercation with Edwy Plenel.

"The president of Mediapart has filed a complaint against you for violence. Do you confirm, "initiated the presenter specifying that the facts would have occurred in a Parisian restaurant on February 22.

" READ ALSO "Daily" and its journalists blocked on Instagram by the photographer of Emmanuel Macron: the answer of Yann Barthès

"Do I confirm that I assaulted him or that I received the complaint?" the filmmaker asked before the journalist replied to answer the two questions.

Hilarity and anguish

Maïwenn began her response by stating that she had not received a complaint. Curious, the presenter of "Quotidien" revived her to find out if she had assaulted Edwy Plenel. This was followed by a yes and no game on the part of the director. If she acknowledges the facts, the guest of the TMC talk show refused to explain why she had attacked the journalist of Mediapart.

"Why we can't know why," insisted Yann Barthès. Hilare, the actress clarified the situation. "It's well tried but this is not the time. I am very anxious about the release of my film, "she concluded without excluding not to talk about it later.

On March 7, Edwy Plenel filed a complaint against the actress after her attack. At the exit of a restaurant, the journalist was allegedly grabbed by the hair before receiving a spit in the face. An attack apparently motivated by a succession of articles published by Mediapart on accusations of rape against the director Luc Besson. The director is the ex-companion of Maïwenn and father of her daughter.