The Limited Times

Massacre of Foggia, the mother: 'Gessica molested by her father'

5/10/2023, 7:35:32 PM

Highlights: "Our daughter was sexually molested by her father until 2 years ago," she said in an interview with Albanian TV. Tefta also met her 5-year-old son again. 'The little one was not hidden, he was on the couch and saw the scene' Malaj desperate for his daughter during interrogation' (ANSA). "My husband is a monster. Until two years ago he sexually assaulted our daughter. It happened several times... My daughter didn't want to talk to him anymore and that's why she not only ruined his life, but also killed her"

"Our daughter was sexually molested by her father until 2 years ago," she said in an interview with Albanian TV. Tefta also met her 5-year-old son again. 'The little one was not hidden, he was on the couch and saw the scene. Malaj desperate for his daughter during interrogation' (ANSA)

"My husband is a monster. Until two years ago he sexually assaulted our daughter. It happened several times... My daughter didn't want to talk to him anymore and that's why she not only ruined his life, but also killed her." This was stated to News 24 Albania TV Tefta Malaj, the woman stabbed by her husband Taulant Malaj who killed her daughter Gessica, 16, and Massimo De Santis in Torremaggiore. "Jessica - says the woman from the hospital bed - for two years had not communicated with her father and if she did not report it is only to avoid having a bad name: we know how it is".


My husband had planned everything, we were all sleeping at that time. He was not working that night, he was resting at home. I didn't hear him go out, then I saw him come back. He took the child with the knife and wanted to kill him. I jumped to save the child. The little one slept in the cot attached to the double bed. Then he gave me so many knife blows, I don't remember how many. He made videos kicking and stabbing with the knife. My daughter was sleeping, heard the noises and got up. He never wanted our daughter to do it." It is the desperate story told to News 24 Albania TV by Tefta Malaj, the woman stabbed by her husband Taulant accused of killing his daughter Gessica and his wife's alleged lover, Massimo De Santis, in Torremaggiore (Foggia).

Tefta, the 39-year-old who survived last Sunday the attack of her husband, Talaunt Malaj, has embraced her five-year-old son. Today in the early afternoon the 5-year-old boy who survived the massacre of Torremaggiore was accompanied by his uncles, to whom he was temporarily entrusted, to the hospital in Foggia where his mother is hospitalized. And she, selling it, burst into tears.
According to Taulant's lawyers, the images taken by the cameras inside the house would show that the child was on the sofa and witnessed the murder of his older sister and the wounding of his mother.

In fact, it emerged that cameras were installed in the family's apartment that filmed the crime. The video, together with two other videos concerning other moments before and after the double murder, were brought today to the hearing to validate the detention by the owner of the investigation, the deputy prosecutor Sabrina Cicala, assisted by her colleague Antonio Laronga. According to lawyers Michele Maiellaro and Giacomo Lattanzio, from the video put on record by the Prosecutor's Office, recorded with video surveillance cameras that would have recorded the moments in which the man attacked his wife and daughter, would emerge as The fact that the man did not want to hurt his five-year-old son

At the end of the hearing to validate the detention of Taulant Malaj, Maiellaro and Lattanzio tell Ansa: "We can categorically deny that there was violent attention to the child who was absolutely not touched and he did not try to do anything about him. He wasn't hidden, he saw the scene, but he didn't get closer, he didn't do anything at all about the child."

"He confirmed the statements made to the prosecutors" on Sunday afternoon, to whom he had confessed to the double murder, and then failed to continue the interrogation because "he got stuck in a state of shock. This morning he wanted to make other statements but he had a psychological breakdown and cried desperately. He was desperate for his daughter." Lawyers Maiellaro and Lattanzio report. "He could not stand questions because he was very, very tried" - "He is gradually becoming aware of the drama and tragedy that has occurred. When they asked to undergo interrogation, he stressed that he confirmed the statements made to the prosecutor. Then when he started to express his pain he got stuck in a state of shock and could no longer continue".

"Seeing the images recorded by the internal cameras of the apartment where he lived with his family, Taulant collapsed," explained one of the two defense lawyers, lawyer Michele Maiellaro. The second of the three videos is related to the closure of the Jolly bar, in which the other victim, 51-year-old Massimo De Santis, is seen closing the restaurant and leaving. The third video concerns the recording of the call with the distress call made by Tefta to 118. Regarding the validation of the detention, Malaj's lawyers are waiting for the notification of the measure.

ANSA Agency

Massacre in Torremaggiore: tomorrow the hearing to validate the detention - Chronicle

Autopsies will be carried out on the bodies on Thursday, while the injured woman will not be heard before Friday. "One day Massimo took my wife around with his Maserati", says (ANSA)