The Limited Times

Noya from "New Love": "What happened is far from how I imagined it" | Israel Hayom

5/10/2023, 2:36:24 PM

Highlights: The "New Love" star opens her heart and talks about the process she went through filming the series. She tells us how she organizes for launch events and what to watch out for when you want to enter the field. "I'm a sports girl and simple clothes, most of the day with tights and sneakers. Now that I'm recognized, I try to be more careful," she says. "You have to be careful, modeling can be dangerous. There needs to be someone to look after you," she adds.

The "New Love" star opens her heart and talks about the process she went through filming the series • She tells us how she organizes for launch events and what to watch out for when you want to enter the field

Model Noya Arieli, who is currently starring on the screen in the show "New Love" on Reshet 13, admits that she is in love.

Wearing a wedding dress on the set of Elizabeth Brown's MonaLizabeth-designed campaign shoot on Wednesday, she says: "I believed they would find me a match, but what happened in the shoot is far from how I imagined it."

Noya Arieli in the wedding dress campaign // Photo: Shmuel Buchris

"I was authentic and honest with myself, I went through tremendous things. I entered one Noya and exited another. I'm at peace with everything I've done and that led me to the final result," she says with a smile, but without explicitly mentioning Dor Taub, the star of the show with whom she has a relationship.

On the relationship she had with model agent Shai Avital, she says: "You have to be careful, modeling can be dangerous. There needs to be someone to look after you. I don't know what I would have done without my parents."

Behind the scenes on the set of Elizabeth Brown-designed Moonriseth,

Arieli is also not ashamed to admit that she uses the services of a stylist before launches or special events, and even before entering the program. "I'm a sports girl and simple clothes, most of the day with tights and sneakers. Now that I'm recognized, I try to be more careful."

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