The Limited Times

Suspension of two teachers: the duty of discretion in question

5/10/2023, 5:56:04 PM

Highlights: The two suspended philosophy professors, Franklin Nyamsi and René Chiche, had controversial positions on Twitter. They are each followed by more than 100,000 people. Chiche had notably affirmed, in December 2021, that "the deputies" who would vote for the vaccination pass would be, in his eyes, "the worthy heirs of those who voted the status of the Jews" The professor is known for his criticism against the African policy of the France. He believes, in a tweet, to have been sanctioned for his "criticism against the Africa policy of France"

DECRYPTION - The two suspended philosophy professors, Franklin Nyamsi and René Chiche, had controversial positions on Twitter.


A jurisprudential construction with vague contours." These are the terms used by the Association of Professors of Philosophy of Public Education (Appep) after the temporary suspension of two philosophy professors, Franklin Nyamsi, in Rouen, and René Chiche, near Marseille, sanctioned by their administration for exceeding their "duty of reserve". In question, controversial positions on Twitter while they are each followed by more than 100,000 people.


The remarks I am accused of concern almost exclusively health policy and all that it may have caused as damage, "explains René Chiche to Le Figaro. He had notably affirmed, in December 2021, that "the deputies" who would vote for the vaccination pass would be, in his eyes, "the worthy heirs of those who voted the status of the Jews".

See alsoSciences Po Grenoble: Klaus Kinzler, from the "graying nobody" to the media defender of freedom of expression

Franklin Nyamsi believes, in a tweet, to have been sanctioned for his "criticism against the African policy of the France". The professor is known for...

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