The Limited Times

"The spendthrift follies of France"

5/11/2023, 5:56:31 PM

Highlights: France will post in 2023 its fiftieth consecutive public deficit and a debt of more than 3,000 billion euros. With the rise in interest rates, Bercy sees its interest expense explode (15 billion more in one year) That's as many billions that do not irrigate the country. It is high time, for the good of the country, to dare to take budgetary seriousness and useful reforms. The ants of the eurozone, Germany in the lead, make the big eyes but end up accepting the commitments of the France.

It is high time, for the good of the country, to dare to take budgetary seriousness and useful reforms.

It is well known that promises are binding only on those who receive them. The French Finance Minister knows this better than anyone when he sends Brussels every year the list of reforms he intends to implement to reduce deficits and public debt as soon as possible, 'before August, animal faith'! The ants of the eurozone, Germany in the lead, make the big eyes but end up accepting the commitments of the France and its reassuring fiscal trajectory. And then, as always, it's off the road, public finances slip and sink into the red. Let us recall that our country will post in 2023 its fiftieth consecutive public deficit and a debt of more than 3,000 billion euros.

Should we be concerned about such abuses? Let us not doubt it. Every day, the France pays a high price. With the rise in interest rates, Bercy sees its interest expense explode (15 billion more in one year). That's as many billions that do not irrigate ...

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