The Limited Times

A woman goes out to ring the doorbell at night in Coghlan and exchanges threats and aggressions with neighbors: 'For every time, I kill you a dog'

5/11/2023, 8:26:22 PM

Highlights: Noel Gomez said he defends himself "from the neighbors who work for the police" They filed several complaints and ask for psychological care. The woman goes out to ring the bell at night, pecked a young man and threw excrement at the neighboring houses. "For every bell I kill you a dog," says a message on a white sheet, written in black marker that reads: "Faggot, come and mess with me, I defend myself. Coward, here I wait for you"

Noel Gomez said he defends himself "from the neighbors who work for the police." They filed several complaints and ask for psychological care.

A woman who identified herself as Noel Gómez and her neighbors in the neighborhood of Coghlan are the protagonists of an escalation of threats and aggressions. The woman goes out to ring the bell at night, pecked a young man and threw excrement at the neighboring houses.

Freire at 2600, almost corner Franklin Roosevelt, is a quiet block, where the treetops shade the sidewalk and houses and low buildings predominate. However, a house breaks with the typical landscape of Buenos Aires neighborhood, and above all the woman who inhabits it does.

Noel Rodríguez defends himself against the accusations of his neighbors and denounces them, but the police "put them to sleep." TV Capture

The front is brick, has two floors and, in the middle of them, a roof of black tiles. A small park separates the door of the house from the fence and a large number of fabrics and traffic signs camouflage it so that nothing can be seen from the outside. "Normal," for Gomez.

Among the posters, there is a message, on a white sheet, written in black marker that reads: "For every bell I kill you a dog." It is the result of an annoying routine that the woman has.

He goes out to ring the bell at any time of the night. Neighbors even claim that he pecked a neighbor in the street and threw excrement from his windows.

As a result, anger and calls for help grew from those who live near her, as well as the exchange of threats, via posters pasted on the fence of the house.

The exchange of threats in Noel Rodríguez and the neighbors because they assure that he rings the bell during the night Captura TV

"Faggot, come and mess with me, I defend myself. The dog, poor thing, no. Kill it and you'll see what happens to you. Coward, here I wait for you," says the answer that is followed by an arrow that points downwards, as if pointing to the place chosen to settle the conflict.

Around 16 p.m., Gomez agreed to speak to journalists and defended himself: "Instead of worrying about me, why don't they take me prisoner?"

He claimed to be innocent and that this is his defense "against neighbors who work for the police." "They plant microphones for me. The drug addict next door, the son of a policeman, gets on my terrace and stole my savings," he said.

In Coghlan, conflict between a woman and her neighbours. TV Capture

The woman left a second, doubling the bet. "Coward, I came head-on. You kill my dogs and you'll see! I came to break the front of my house... in front of me. You'll know who you're messing with."

In statements to eltrece, Claudia, a neighbor, said that the neighbor "says she is afraid that the FBI will come," although the same sign also recorded testimonies that say she was left alone after the death of her father.

The problems, Claudia added, began when the woman's father died. "She used to live with her brothers, but she ended up kicking them out and now she lives alone." "He insults us out of nowhere, it's a disaster," he added.

"He happened to be a good person, but suddenly he started ringing bells" and "throwing animal droppings at the building." "It filled our windows. Now he rings the bell at any time and leaves," he said.

"It makes me feel sorry and very angry," he concluded. The neighbors made several complaints but feel powerless. They also cancelled the bells of their homes, fed up with the situation.

"They say that a 23-year-old man who went to complain because he rang the bell at 4 in the morning, reported it to the police and, the next day, when he crossed it, he treacherously pecked him while he was walking down the street," he said.

Gomez did not deny it and even showed the flashlight he used, claiming that "it is an over-the-counter defense weapon" and that he has the right to carry it.

"They threw a cobblestone at me at close range, that's also dangerous. But the police put me to sleep with complaints," he insisted.

Carlos, a merchant in the area, said he knew her "40 years ago" and that sometimes she greets him, sometimes not and sometimes he says, "out of nowhere," any barbarity.

"We are seeing if a guardian can be appointed, that there is a curatorship," he hoped, while wishing that "the escalation" does not increase.


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