The Limited Times

Cultural tourism, over 142 million admissions in 2022

5/11/2023, 4:26:30 PM

Highlights: More than half of all holidaymakers in 2022 will be in Italy, according to a new survey. The number of people in the country who want to visit other countries is expected to rise. The majority of holidaymakers are in Italy to visit family and friends, rather than to go on holiday. The average cost of a holiday in 2022 is $2,000, up from $1,800 in 2013. The increase is due to the increase in the number of tourists in Italy and a rise in the cost of living in the region.

Over 142 million presences between overnight stays in accommodation facilities and accommodation in private homes. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, 11 MAY - Over 142 million overnight stays in accommodation facilities and accommodation in private homes. Of these, more than half are Italian flows (55% which translates into 78.8 million presences); The international share stands at 63.6 million. These are some of the numbers of cultural tourism on holiday in Italy in 2022 that emerge from the survey carried out by Isnart (National Institute for Tourism Research) for the Observatory on the Economy of Tourism of the Chambers of Commerce.
In particular, cultural heritage is the second motivation for holidays in Italy, in 2022, immediately after the naturalistic one. The desire of cultural tourists to visit new places, outside the "traditional routes" is also growing: an interest reported by 20% of respondents, compared to 14.3% in 2019 and a phenomenon that represents a possible reflection of pandemic restrictions, which may have fueled in tourists the desire to "escape" and discover new destinations.
Those who travel for cultural reasons spend significantly more per day than the average Italian tourist for purchases of goods and services during the holiday: 93 euros on average against 74 euros. A significant spending trend, which also exceeds the 70 euros recorded in 2019 and which is not exclusively linked to the inflationary aspiration in progress. (ANSA).