The Limited Times

Heart palpitations: Chief physician explains that it is usually harmless and when you should go to the doctor

5/11/2023, 12:16:49 PM

Highlights: Heart palpitations are also popularly described as heart stumbling. In most cases, so-called extrasystoles are responsible for this, which are understood to mean additional heartbeats. A balanced diet, exercise and good stress management help to keep it fit for a long time. The German Heart Foundation advises seeing a doctor in the following circumstances:Extrasystole occurs anew. The irregular heartbeat lasts for more than 30 seconds. Dizziness, impaired consciousness, angina pectoris or shortness of breath.

No human being has a rhythmically perfect heartbeat. But when irregularities become noticeable through heart stumbling, many get scared. A doctor reassures.

No human being has a rhythmically perfect heartbeat. But when irregularities become noticeable through heart stumbling, many get scared. A doctor reassures.

As a rule, you do not feel that the heart beats up to 90 times per minute at rest. It pumps oxygen-rich blood through the body and thus supplies all cells with energy. However, noticeable irregularities in the heartbeat, which are also popularly described as heart stumbling, are not uncommon. As the German Heart Foundation informs, heart stumbling is a widespread phenomenon. In most cases, so-called extrasystoles are responsible for this, which are understood to mean additional heartbeats and which can briefly throw the heart out of sync, it continues.

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In the medical consultation hours of the German Heart Foundation, Professor Ellen Hoffmann, among others, answers questions about heart health. She is a member of the scientific advisory board of the German Heart Foundation and chief physician of the Bogenhausen Clinic in Munich. The cardiologist can take away fears: "Extrasystoles, which are noticeable in many sufferers as heart stumbling, are usually harmless," says the heart expert.

When heart palpitations should lead to the doctor


You can have a significant influence on the health of your heart: a balanced diet, exercise and good stress management help to keep it fit for a long time.

© Kasper Ravlo/Imago

Even if heart palpitations in most cases do not indicate a disease requiring treatment, it should be clarified by a doctor in certain cases. Heart expert Ellen Hoffmann advises seeing a doctor in the following circumstances:

  • Extrasystoles occur anew
  • Heart palpitations occur more often during the day
  • Heart palpitations occur repeatedly during or after exercise
  • The irregular heartbeat lasts for more than 30 seconds
  • Heart palpitations are accompanied by dizziness, impaired consciousness, angina pectoris (seizure-like, severe pain in the heart area, which can occur, for example, during physical exertion or stress) or shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations occur simultaneously with elevated blood pressure levels

The above factors may be a sign that cardiovascular disease or metabolic disease is responsible for heart palpitations. With the help of diagnostic procedures such as an ECG examination, a doctor can determine what causes the heart stumbling and whether treatment is necessary.

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This article contains only general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It is in no way a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, individual questions about clinical pictures may not be answered by our editors.

Category list image: © Kasper Ravlo/Imago