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More guns and a flashy Google search: what they found in the house of the boy arrested for bomb threats to schools

5/11/2023, 4:56:09 PM

Highlights: The Buenos Aires Police raided a 16-year-old boy's home in Martinez. The teenager had already threatened at his school in March and then seized an arsenal. He now had ammunition on his light table.. "A catastrophe was avoided, it is counterfactual but it is so," says the investigator who managed to arrest the boy. The boy is a former student of a private school in the area, the exclusive Riverside School, in Acassuso, which he had threatened in March. He is being held at the San Isidro DDI.

The teenager had already threatened at his school in March and then seized an arsenal. He now had ammunition on his light table.

"A catastrophe was avoided, it is counterfactual but it is so." The investigator who managed to arrest the 16-year-old boy who would be the author of the bomb threats that 20 AMBA schools received by mail on Tuesday tells Clarín.

This Wednesday, the Buenos Aires Police raided his home in Martinez. And it is not the first time that members of the Specialized Fiscal Unit in Cybercrime Investigations (Ufeic) of San Isidro enter that address for the same reason.

"In the previous raid (it was in March, because of a previous school threat) we seized an arsenal in that house. Seven weapons, duly registered in the name of the father. Now we find three more. These have no papers and were in an unlocked closet in the room next to the boy's room. At your full reach. As if that were not enough, the boy had the ammunition on the bedside table," continues the researcher.

Because of his knowledge as a prosecutor, at first glance he thinks he recognizes that those bullets in the bedroom are from the weapons seized during the first raid.

"We're talking about guns that aren't, let's say, common, from someone who just likes guns. There is a specific revolver used by the NYPD (38 Smith and Wesson). Also a weapon of the U.S. military. A Garand 7.65. One of war. Also now a bow and arrow was found. And not a toy," he says.

It is a minor (that is why his identity is not disclosed), who is a former student of a private school in the area, the exclusive Riverside School, in Acassuso, which he had threatened in March. He was reached this time more easily because there is a similarity in the message of that time and the massive threat now.

The email that the institutions received had this title: "Today is going to be the day." And in the first line of the text it said, in capital letters, "THERE ARE EXPLOSIVE DEVICES IN THE BUILDING."

The weapons they seized in the new raid on the house of the young detainee.

The boy is being held at the San Isidro DDI. The previous time he was identified and hospitalized "for psychiatric problems and under treatment." His father, who is a renowned psychiatrist, released him a few days later. The diagnosis, which must be supported with documentation, "would be mild ASD (autism spectrum disorder)."

His mother, who is a psychologist, and his younger brother, who attended the same school and was also expelled for "serious acts of discipline", were with the detainee when investigators entered to search the home for evidence.

What they found would complicate their procedural situation. But that path is not followed by the prosecutor who speaks with Clarín but is already in the hands of the Juvenile Justice of San Isidro, which must define what to do with a boy who relapsed in school threats.

In addition to various weapons, white and fire, in one of the cell phones a Google search was detected that adds to the cause. The boy searched for "school shootings."

In a quick review – when there is a raid of this style, as soon as they enter the investigators check that all the cell phones are in airplane mode so that nobody deletes the history of the search engines – they detected that in one of the cell phones he used he had also looked for a BBC note entitled "A minor of 13 years old is arrested for the attack on a school in Serbia in which at least 8 students died and a guard."

He also sought out "electronic ankle bracelet," the one used for house arrest.

A CPU, a notebook, four cell phones, five tablets, two folding knives, a dagger, a hunting knife, a 410-caliber shotgun, two air rifles, three Brennek 410-caliber ammunition, two FAL 765 ammunition, two 38 LR caliber ammunition, one 9mm caliber ammunition and 13 22-caliber ammunition were seized from that house on Tuesday.

In addition, several pods served of various calibers, a PS4 console, 1 Nintendo Switch console, four routers and several digital storage devices.


He is very antisocial, intelligent. He is a gamer, fan of the video game GTA. Talk to other gamers abroad, through Discord (a chat). There are dialogues about revolution and going against the system. But since it is already an expertise (and the computer has a level of security that requires a password that goes beyond a user profile), no more searches or conversations have yet been analyzed, "clarifies the Justice official.

One of the searches on his cell phone, linked to an attack on a school that left eight dead in Serbia.

When the boy made the first threat and was identified, his parents wanted him to return to the same school. But the parents of the rest of the students objected.

"The school is attended by children of important people, with a lot of money, diplomats. The community of parents made like a picket. They said that if he returned they would change everyone to another institution. They compared it to school shootings in the United States. So the boy got him enrolled in another school, "says the researcher, although it did not transcend which one he attends now. "

Returning to the massive threat to schools, this time it was an "international" one. The same mail received by the Buenos Aires and Buenos Aires institutions (there would be 3 from CABA, one from Quilmes, another from Lomas de Zamora, one from the West zone and 12 from the northern zone) arrived at a private school in India, translated into English. The text refers to a massacre carried out by a 13-year-old student from Belgrade, Serbia, in which he killed 8 classmates and a security guard with two 9 mm pistols of his father.

The latter will be related in the case to one of the Google searches detected in the home of the detained boy.


See also

The main suspect of the bomb threats in almost 20 AMBA schools is arrested

"Today is going to be the day", the simultaneous bomb threat to private schools of the AMBA