The Limited Times

Vice-President CEI, I share the students' protest

5/11/2023, 11:16:38 AM

Highlights: "I share this meek, civil protest that says to adults and especially to those who have political responsibilities: do you realize that we can't do it?" says Monsignor Francesco Savino. "Paying a room 800-900 euros...", "the risk is creating conditions for a social revolt", he adds. The bishop said the issue will be at the center of the CEI assembly at the end of May. "We cannot fail to let ourselves be questioned, we want to listen to the needs, especially starting with young people", he says.

"I share this meek, civil protest that says to adults and especially to those who have political responsibilities: do you realize that we can't do it?" (ANSA)

(ANSA) - VATICAN CITY, MAY 11 - "I share this protest, mild, civil, which says to adults and especially to those who have political responsibilities: do you realize that we can't do it?". Thus the vice-president of the Italian Episcopal Conference and Bishop of Cassano all'Ionio, Monsignor Francesco Savino, on the sidelines of a press conference in the Vatican on the protest of students for the high rents. "Paying a room 800-900 euros...", "the risk is creating conditions for a social revolt". " It is a true, authentic protest, it responds to an objective need, we try to listen to them". The bishop said the issue will be at the center of the CEI assembly at the end of May. "We cannot fail to let ourselves be questioned, we want to listen to the needs, especially starting with young people". (ANSA).