The Limited Times

"Stock up on cash!": Savings bank merger could paralyze card payments for a weekend

5/12/2023, 5:16:25 PM

Highlights: On 20 and 21 May, ATMs will only be available to a limited extent for customers of Sparkasse Freising and Moosburg. The same applies to card payments. This also applies to a number of other services – including online banking. The savings banks of the two cities in the district will merge on June 1 to form Sparkasse freising-Moosburg. However, the legal merger will be preceded by the technical one on May 20 and21: The databases will be merged.

On 20 and 21 May, ATMs will only be available to a limited extent for customers of Sparkasse Freising and Moosburg. The same applies to card payments. © Dpa

The merger of savings banks in Freising and Moosburg catapults customers into the pre-digital age for a weekend. The boss turns to those affected.

Freising/Moosburg – This coming weekend, 20 and 21 May, Sparkasse customers will have to leave their Giro Card in their pockets. Due to the technical merger of Sparkasse Freising and Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Moosburg, payment by card is only possible to a limited extent. This also applies to a number of other services – including online banking.

As reported, the savings banks of the two cities in the district will merge on June 1 to form Sparkasse Freising-Moosburg. However, the legal merger will be preceded by the technical one on May 20 and 21: The databases will be merged, as CEO Johann Kirsch announced. "This is an important milestone for us."

Restrictions are to be expected from 19 to 21 May

This was preceded by extensive, intensive preparatory work that lasted nine months. "Because we want our customers to notice as little as possible of the technical changes," says CEO Johann Kirsch. Only in a few individual cases have there been far-reaching changes. For example, if two customers had the same account number at the respective predecessor houses. "We informed those affected about the changes at an early stage," Kirsch emphasized.

Next weekend, however, customers will feel the technical merger after all. Due to the merging of the technical systems, restrictions may arise from 19 to 21 May. The Savings Bank ATMs, the Internet branch, online banking, and the Savings Bank apps for transfers or securities orders are only available to a limited extent. The same applies to card payments. There is one exception: credit cards can be used at any time and definitively.

The head of the savings bank wants to avoid payment chaos

Kirsch therefore has a general tip for Sparkassen customers: "Please provide yourself with sufficient cash beforehand and use your credit card for payments." Because there is one thing the CEO wants to avoid: "That customers who want to shop in Freising's city center on Saturday or stand at the supermarket checkout with a full shopping cart will not be able to pay."

(By the way: Everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

More will change for customers of the former Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Moosburg: they will receive a new IBAN from 22 May. However, Sparkassen cards with the logo and bank code of the former city and district savings bank remain valid and are automatically exchanged after the card expires. It is also ensured that payment transactions via an old IBAN will continue to be processed correctly.

Sparkasse feels prepared: "All traffic lights are green"

Kirsch believes that the savings banks are well prepared for the process. On the one hand, the commissioned IT service provider has enormous experience and has already repeatedly handled savings bank mergers technically. On the other hand, the two houses in Freising and Moosburg were already under scrutiny. "We had two test mergers, and we passed the last one with flying colors," the CEO praised his team. "All the lights are green."


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