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"This decision is not political": Adèle Van Reeth responds to Charline Vanhoenacker on the end of her show on France Inter

5/12/2023, 5:16:59 PM

Highlights: Charline Vanhoenacker's show "C'est encore nous" will be replaced in September by a show hosted by Mathieu Noël. France Inter boss Adèle Van Reeth: "This decision is not political and freedom of expression will never be endangered on this airwave" "As long as I am there, France Inter will continue to disturb and criticize," promises the 40-year-old leader who succeeded Laurence Bloch last September. Ségolène Royal and Aymeric Caron had worried about it on Twitter Thursday.

Since the officialization of the end of "It's still us", several voices are raised to denounce the decision of the new boss of the public service station.

The 2023 TV transfer window starts strong with the first controversy of the season. The one around the stop of the show "C'est encore nous", broadcast in the afternoon for nine years on France Inter. "It's not my decision," said presenter Charline Vanhoenacker in "C à Vous" Wednesday night, not hiding her misunderstanding as she achieves solid ratings. Very quickly, support appeared and a petition to save the program was even launched and was signed by comedian Waly Dia and Guillaume Meurice.

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Faced with these reactions, the boss of the public service station Adèle Van Reeth reacted and published a long statement on the Radio France website this Friday evening to justify her decision to end this program. "Next September, Charline Vanhoenacker and her band "C'est encore nous" will reinvent itself in weekly version," she reassures to begin with. "I understand your questions and your concern but I want to assure you of one thing: this decision is not political and freedom of expression will never be endangered on this airwave," says the novelist and philosopher. "I would say even more: those who would rejoice at the end of impertinence on France Inter will be very disappointed," adds the director who responds here to Ségolène Royal and Aymeric Caron who had worried about it on Twitter Thursday.

" READ ALSO "No democratic power should silence irreverence": Ségolène Royal denounces the stop of the show of Charline Vanhoenacker on France Inter

Adèle Van Reeth goes on to stress that "the identity of the channel is based on commitment and not on ideology": "You can hear every day personalities of all political persuasions speaking on our antenna, and on the same day, other personalities who come to question, criticize and sometimes laugh at what has just been said. This balance seems to me extremely valuable and guarantees the proper functioning of freedom of expression without which France Inter would not exist", writes the former presenter of "D'art d'art".

"Aslong as I have been here, France Inter will continue to disturb and criticise.


Adèle Van Reeth, Director of France Inter

The 40-year-old leader finally explains why she decided to stop "C'est encore nous" which will be replaced in September by a show hosted by Mathieu Noël. "The decision to develop this program in another format is dictated only by the editorial concern to maintain the state of mind specific to this troupe as long as possible on this antenna. I say troupe, because that's what this band has been from the beginning," says Adèle Van Reeth before paying tribute to the work of Charline Vanhoenacker "who knows how to take the audience with her".

A last promise to conclude: "Until then, be reassured: as long as I am there, France Inter will continue to disturb and criticize," promises finally the one who succeeded Laurence Bloch last September.

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