The Limited Times

Berlusconi, those who do not vote are not good Italians

5/12/2023, 11:16:09 AM

Highlights: "I would like to remind all our fellow citizens of the duty to go and vote, because those who do not vote leave it to others to decide on the future of their municipality and their city" "This vote in the administrative elections - he added - can affect the weight of our government". "I am still and unfortunately at SanRaffaele. But for you I put on a jacket this morning" is the beginning of the message and then referring to the elections scheduled for the weekend in 700 Italian municipalities.

"I would like to remind all our fellow citizens of the duty to go and vote, because those who do not vote leave it to others to decide on the future of their municipality and their city, so those who do not vote are not good citizens, they are not good Italians". (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 12 - "I would like to remind all our fellow citizens of the duty to go and vote, because those who do not vote leave it to others to decide on the future of their municipality and their city, so those who do not vote are not good citizens, they are not a good Italian". So the president of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, in a new video message recorded at the SanRaffaele where he is hospitalized, released on the occasion of the local elections on Sunday and Monday.
"This vote in the administrative elections - he added - can affect the weight of our government". "I am still and unfortunately at SanRaffaele. But for you I put on a jacket this morning" is the beginning of the message and then referring to the elections scheduled for the weekend in 700 Italian municipalities and cities, he said: "I want to remind all the voters of Forza Italia, but also to the other voters of the parties that form the majority of the current government of which we are the spinadorsale and I also want to thank those voters who in the seven hundred municipalities, where there will be one of our capable and convincing candidates, they will give us and Forza Italia their vote".

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