The Limited Times

Bondy: a stray bullet passes through the family living room of a 4th floor apartment

5/12/2023, 6:46:25 PM

Highlights: Two women in their apartment heard a bullet whistling over their heads. The bullet punctured the window before landing in the main room of the dwelling. Police identified a 9mm bullet, somewhat deformed after passing through the glass. The angle of fire suggests that it could be more of a bad game than a settling of scores, a source close to the investigation says. The police noted that the incident took place not far from a deal point, but no one has been arrested at this time.

The bullet punctured the window before landing in the main room of the dwelling, in front of two stunned women. The circumstances of this

On Thursday, shortly before 22 p.m., as in the Far West, two women who were in their apartment literally heard a bullet whistling over their heads. It was in Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis), in the Sablière district. A projectile had just invited itself into the living room.

They first jumped when the warhead punctured and shattered the glass, then ended up in the middle of the room, fortunately without hurting the residents, an elderly woman and her daughter. They then discovered a shiny object on the ground. Terrified, they alerted the police station. Police identified a 9mm bullet, somewhat deformed after passing through the glass.

The neighbourhood investigation was unable to determine where the projectile was fired from. After noticing his blunder, the author quickly left. The police noted that the incident took place not far from a deal point. But the investigators have dismissed the thesis of a settling of scores or the shooting of intimidation. No one has been arrested at this time.

"The family is not known to the police," police confirm. "The angle of fire suggests that it could be more of a bad game than a settling of scores, analyzes a source close to the investigation. The barrel of the weapon had to be pointed in the air to reach the 4th floor. »

Informed of the incident, Mayor Stephen Hervé (LR) reacted strongly: "It's clearly a stray bullet, but it's anxiety-provoking because it can happen to anyone, anywhere and anytime." The elected official recalls that a similar event "had occurred in the northern districts, but never in La Sablière (Editor's note: in the south of the city). The circulation of weapons is such that it leads young people to shoot first to impress friends. But this can lead to drama. »

In 2016, the outcome could have been fatal for a young girl who slept peacefully in her bed. Sumaiya was lying next to her older sister when she was shot in the back. The injury was not serious, but she was hospitalized for two days.

More recently, in March, another random shot had pierced the glass of a room of an apartment in La Courneuve and then crossed a plaster partition to end up on the bed of one of the children. The room was empty in the early afternoon. As in Bondy, the tenants of this apartment on the 6th floor were a family without history, strongly shaken by the eruption of pure violence in their privacy. The shooter could not be found.