The Limited Times

Fabián Gianola dismissed in a case of sexual abuse

5/12/2023, 11:26:07 PM

Highlights: The actor Fabián Gianola was dismissed in the case for sexual abuse that had initiated the actress Fernanda Meneses. The case was heard in the National Criminal and Correctional Court No. 49 in Buenos Aires. There are several women who claimed to have been abused or mistreated by Gianola: Natacha Jaitt, Fabiola Yáñez, Andrea Ghidone, Mercedes Funes, Miriam Lanzoni, Dallys Ferreira and Sabrina Artaza.

The case began in July 2019, after several episodes denounced by actress Fernanda Silvia Meneses.

The actor Fabián Gianola was dismissed in the case for sexual abuse that had initiated the actress Fernanda Meneses, informed this Friday the head of the Specialized Fiscal Unit in Violence against Women (UFEM), Mariela Labozzetta.

"We only received a notification from the court that is intervening, which arrived today (this Friday) by system, with the dismissal of the case of sexual abuse initiated by Fernanda Meneses, which is what remained unresolved, but we have no more information," Labozzeta, head of the agency that had made a presentation about it and was waiting for the response, told Telam.

The case was heard in the National Criminal and Correctional Court No. 49.

The proceedings began on June 3, 2019, "by virtue of the complaint made by Fernanda Silvia Meneses against Fabián Javier Gianola before the Drawing Room of the National Criminal and Correctional Chamber of the Federal Capital," says the ruling of Judge Ángeles Mariana Gómez Maiorano.

"Subsequently, to the present investigation, the cause nro. 48829/19, also erected against Gianola, initiated on July 11, 2019, following the accusation made by Marcela Viviana Aguirre, before the Drawing Room of the Chamber of this jurisdiction, "the resolution added.

Seven accusations fell on the actor, of which four were from Meneses. The other three had been formulated by the announcer Viviana Aguirre.

Meneses accused Gianola of having abused her at the end of 2011, when she was going through a process of separation from her partner and received him at her home.

He also said he abused her on September 19, 2016, in the morning, in the Channel 9 building, the second time in another recording in June 2017 and in August in the dressing rooms of the channel.

Faced with the complaints and a request from the Argentine Actresses collective, the Argentine Association of Actors suspended Gianola.

There are several women who claimed to have been abused or mistreated by Gianola: Natacha Jaitt, Fabiola Yáñez, Andrea Ghidone, Mercedes Funes, Miriam Lanzoni, Dallys Ferreira and Sabrina Artaza.

With information from Télam


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