The Limited Times

Film theft from French consul in Rosario: 'It's the worst day of my life'

5/12/2023, 8:36:05 PM

Highlights: Motorcycles assaulted him in the center, he chased them with his car and there was a multiple crash. Two hours after the death of his mother-in-law, the honorary French consul was assaulted by motorcycles at noon this Friday. A movie chase ensued, in reverse and ending with aMultiple crash. A day earlier, a few meters from where the consul's pursuit of the criminals ended, a bank salidera took place, when two motorcycles broke the rear window of a parked car and took a backpack.

Motorcycles assaulted him in the center, he chased them with his car and there was a multiple crash.

Two hours after the death of his mother-in-law, the honorary French consul was assaulted by motorcycles at noon this Friday, in the heart of Rosario, where the official was carrying out procedures at the PAMI Polyclinic. A movie chase ensued, in reverse and ending with a multiple crash.

"They broke the glass of my vehicle with a helmet, it was like an explosion, they grabbed my backpack and escaped on a motorcycle. I decided to chase them through the center of the city and I saw that the thieves threw what they had taken from me to the ground. I'm fine but a little shocked still," Davo explained, as the consul introduced himself.

"It's very unpleasant everything that is happening in this beautiful city and I just lost my mother-in-law and this happens to me ... There were no shots, I did not hear them, I can say that they were surprised at my reaction, that I was chasing them. It's the worst day of my life. The only positive thing is that I was able to recover all my belongings," said the official who lives in Rosario.

The car of Davo, the French Consul who lives in Rosario, was destroyed after the chase to the motorcycles. Photo: Juan José García

A witness who was at the scene told the mobiles that he heard a loud noise of a glass exploding "and I saw two guys who came on a motorcycle and stole a backpack from a car. The victim started and began to chase them in the opposite direction, before the surprised look of the people. It could have been a disaster."

"It was the worst day of my life," said the French consul after the assault he suffered in the heart of Rosario. Photo: Juan José García

"The car of the consul that chased the motorcycles - continues the story - followed the motorcycle, accelerated to reach them and ended up hitting five or six cars that were there and a multiple crash was generated, including the motorcycle of the criminals, who were able to get up and ran away discarding the clothes that had been stolen ... But they ended up escaping down Belgrano Street."

A day earlier, a few meters from where the consul's pursuit of the criminals ended, a bank salidera took place, when two motorcycles broke the rear window of a parked car and took a backpack with money recently extracted from a bank located in Santa Fe and San Martín.


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