The Limited Times

There is a magic in every beginning of a novel: Quiz on book beginnings

5/12/2023, 12:17:05 PM

Highlights: Test your knowledge and assign the beginnings of the book to the right titles. Rummage through your memories and correctly conclude which sentence belongs to which novel and to which author. Or are you a thriller fan? Test your knowledge with questions about Sebastian Fitzek. Stay up to date on new releases and book tips with our newsletter.. 70,000 new releases every year. This is a wonderful way to test the knowledge of book lovers. Our second quiz on book beginnings. Let's get started.

70,000 new releases every year. This is a wonderful way to test the knowledge of book lovers. Our second quiz on book beginnings.

Test your knowledge of literature with our quiz! Whether you are a casual reader or a frequent reader, book beginnings have their own special charm. They draw you into the story, give you a first impression of what it can be about or revive suspense that almost forces you to read on. It's not just classics that need to be correctly assigned in our literature quiz. Current titles can also be discovered. Let's get started.

Test your knowledge and assign the beginnings of the book to the right titles. © Oleksandr Latkun/imagebroker/Imago

With the first sentences of a novel, we are immersed in another world. We leave reality aside and become one with history. While some of the beginnings of novels may sound familiar, the titles may lead us on the wrong track. Rummage through your memories and correctly conclude which sentence belongs to which novel and to which author. Exciting variety is provided.

Stay up to date on new releases and book tips with our newsletter.

You still haven't had enough of guessing and love book beginnings? Then click here for the first part. Or are you a thriller fan? Test your knowledge with questions about Sebastian Fitzek.