The Limited Times

Until when am I allowed to drill and hammer in the apartment?

5/12/2023, 10:36:31 AM

Highlights: When drilling and hammering, certain times must be observed. What rules apply – and what neighbours can do in the event of noise pollution. Drilling is not allowed at all on Sundays and public holidays. If there are no special regulations in your municipality or city, it is allowed for you or your neighbor to drill and hammer until 22 p.m. in the evening. For all craft activities that you carry out at home, the following applies: Observe the general safety precautions and check whether there is a power line there before drilling.

When drilling and hammering at home, certain times must be observed. What rules apply – and what neighbours can do in the event of noise pollution.

The fact that drilling is not allowed at all on Sundays and public holidays should have gotten around by now. Because on Sundays, publicly noticeable work is prohibited. But what about on weekdays and when do I have to put the drill and hammer aside?

When drilling and hammering, certain times must be observed. (Symbolic image) © HighwayStarz/ingimage/Imago

Drilling and hammering: observe rest periods

In general, you always have the option of drilling and hammering on weekdays, as long as no rest period is arranged. Although there are different regulations for rest periods at the state and municipal level, they usually fall into the following sections of the day:

  • Afternoon rest: from 12 noon or 13 p.m. to 15 p.m.
  • Night's rest: from 22 p.m. to 6 a.m. or 7 a.m.

Drilling and hammering until 22 p.m.

If there are no special regulations in your municipality or city, it is allowed for you or your neighbor to drill and hammer until 22 p.m. in the evening, as reported by the Stuttgarter Nachrichten. If you are unsure which regulations apply to your local area, you can inquire about the services offered by your municipality or the responsible public order office. First, however, you should also carefully study the agreements in your rental agreement. Furthermore, the house rules may also stipulate stricter and thus longer rest periods, which you must then observe. Drilling on the balcony can also not be done so easily.

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Drilling allowed during rest periods?

There are exceptions for domestic work during rest periods. For example, washing clothes or vacuuming is allowed, as long as it does not exceed the room volume. However, this is rarely the case with hammering and drilling. Especially when drilling into walls, the room volume should be exceeded. For example, in the case of hammering and drilling, the corresponding regulations for rest periods also apply here.


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For all craft activities that you carry out at home, the following applies: Observe the general safety precautions and check whether there is a power line there before drilling. It is also best to inform your neighbors before the work so that possible trouble can be avoided.

Drilling noise from the neighbors too loud – what can you do about it?

First of all, check if the noise is in contrast to the rest periods. The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety advises you to first seek a personal conversation with the polluter. Many of these situations can be mitigated in this way and do not require any further steps. However, if the noise pollution persists after that, you can contact the responsible public order office.