The Limited Times

Where do the happiest employees work? SAP continues to be the "frontrunner" according to the ranking

5/12/2023, 10:16:20 AM

Highlights: The Berlin School of Business and Innovation has analyzed the satisfaction of employees of numerous large corporations in Germany. With 4.4 out of five possible stars, the technology group SAP remains the home of the most satisfied employees. Allianz, Deutsche Bahn and Deutsche Post recorded the largest increases in employee satisfaction, with an increase of 0.4 percentage points each. The past three crisis years do not seem to have had a "significant impact on employee satisfaction" in Germany's largest corporations, the study says.

The Berlin School of Business and Innovation has analyzed the satisfaction of employees of numerous large corporations in Germany.

In times of staff shortages and shortages of skilled workers, even well-known companies have to compete for employees. Against this background, the Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI) once again examined this year how the situation in companies affects the employee evaluations of companies. As early as October 2020, the business school had reportedly taken a look at employee satisfaction "in 24 of the 30 economically strongest German companies" and repeated the analysis in March 2023 with the same companies. Here is the result of the comparison at a glance. The ratings are the average of the employee ratings submitted by the employer rating platform Kununu, it says.

The evaluation of the Berlin School of Business and Innovation deals with employee satisfaction. (Symbolic image) © ingimage/Imago

Comparison 2020 to 2030: SAP continues to be "leader in satisfaction ranking"

"Still the frontrunner in the satisfaction ranking" is the technology group SAP, according to the press release on the March 21 study: With 4.4 out of five possible stars, the company was able to gain 2020.0 percentage points compared to 1 and thus remains the home of the most satisfied employees.

"In 2020 as well as in 2023, the food retailer Edeka remains in last place," the announcement also said on the occasion of the aforementioned settlement. "The company with the most employees in the analysis continues to receive below-average ratings for employee satisfaction with 3.3 stars from them. Rewe's competitors achieved a better result and were able to increase slightly compared to 2020 (2020: 3.7 stars; 2023: 3.8 stars)."

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Employee satisfaction: How do BMW, Daimler and Co. compare?

Overall, the past three crisis years do not seem to have had a "significant impact on employee satisfaction" in Germany's largest corporations, the statement also said: "25 percent of the companies surveyed still receive the same rating from their employees as in 2020. For 58 percent, there are only shifts of 0.1 percentage points into positive or negative."

Even corporations that have been particularly affected by the crises, such as Deutsche Lufthansa or energy-intensive companies such as BASF and thyssenkrupp, have not recorded any substantial changes in employee satisfaction. The same applies to German carmakers: "BMW and Daimler are losing only 0.1 percentage points compared to 2020 despite the chip shortage and thanks to short-time work benefits. At 3.9 stars, their employee satisfaction is still above the average of the companies surveyed and on a par with Volkswagen, where there was no change."

"Satisfaction increases" at Allianz, Deutsche Bahn and Deutsche Post

Allianz and Deutsche Post recorded the largest increases in employee satisfaction, with an increase of 0.4 percentage points each. The insurance group, which was also able to almost triple the number of reviews submitted, had "improved to 2023.4 stars towards an above-average rating" in 2, earning second place in this year's ranking.


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Deutsche Post has also more than doubled the number of its ratings and will receive 2023.3 stars from its employees in 7: "a good place in the midfield," it said. In the "Salary" subcategory, Deutsche Post's rating "rose slightly from 3.3 stars (2020) to 3.4 stars (2023)".

Deutsche Bahn has improved from 3.5 stars (2020) to 3.8 stars (2023) and has thus also arrived "in the midfield of employee satisfaction", according to another result of the ranking, according to the March announcement.