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Worried about counteroffensive? Russians set up massive "killing zones" in eastern Ukraine

5/12/2023, 6:36:58 PM

Highlights: Russia is preparing for counteroffensives in the east and south of Ukraine. To this end, they are said to have set up "killing zones" on a massive scale. There are staggered defense posts from the Zaporizhzhia region up to and including the Donetsk region. Russian military leaders, in all likelihood, assess these areas as the most "dangerous" terrains in terms of Ukrainian attacks.. Russia has apparently built massive defensive lines in southeastern Ukraine to shield the occupied territories against Ukrainian offensives.

Russia is preparing for counteroffensives in the east and south of Ukraine. To this end, they are said to have set up "killing zones" on a massive scale.

  • Ukraine war: Russians establish massive 'kill zones' for Ukrainian forces
  • Here you can read the latest developments from the Ukraine conflict. The processed information on losses of the armies involved in the Ukraine war comes partly from the warring parties from Russia or Ukraine. Therefore, some of them cannot be independently verified.

Kiev/Frankfurt - Russia has apparently built massive defensive lines in southeastern Ukraine to shield the occupied territories against Ukrainian offensives. The extent of the defensive positions is enormous: As the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland reports, citing satellite images from the European Space Agency (ESA), there are staggered defense posts from the Zaporizhzhia region up to and including the Donetsk region, which are up to 100 kilometers long and sometimes 30 kilometers from the front line.

Russians establish massive "kill zones" for Ukrainian forces

"The Russian defenses were built along the dominant heights and ridges," military blogger Pasi Paroinen analyzed satellite images from southeastern Ukraine, which were also available to him. According to him, the facilities built can be divided into a total of six zones: The first zone is about three to four kilometers wide and would form the front security zone with individual company bases and some outposts. In the second, trenches would follow, as well as bases along important railing features. Subsequently, the Russians would have set up reserve and possible diversionary positions. The bulk of the local Russian artillery and tank reserves are also said to be located there.

In the fourth zone, the main line of defense is to be found. This consisted of "massive multi-layered trench lines with anti-tank trenches and dragon's tooth obstacles". Dragon's tooth obstacles are tooth-shaped concrete anti-tank barriers designed to repel tanks. The military blogger also does not rule out minefields in the zone. "These fortifications form an almost uniformly continuous defensive belt along the front." In the fifth and sixth zones, there would finally be retreat and reserve positions.

"Killing zones" in southeastern Ukraine: Russia wants to defend the occupied territories with this strategy

The analysis of the new defense zone in the east and south of Ukraine was also commented on by Australian ex-general Mick Ryan. According to him, it is impossible to build such defenses along the entire length of the front line defended by the Russians. He therefore suspects "that defensive complexes like this give us insights into what the Russians see as the key terrain for the coming Ukrainian offensives." Russian military leaders, in all likelihood, assess these areas as the most "dangerous" terrains in terms of Ukrainian attacks.

Ukrainian soldiers pilot a drone near the embattled city of Bakhmut. © SERGEY SHESTAK/afp

According to the expert, Russia may have thought carefully beforehand about where they would invest so many and expensive resources for defense systems in the Ukraine war. There is a tactic behind this: "It should be noted that most obstacles are not about stopping an enemy. Rather, it's about directing him into 'killing zones' or crushing his cohesion and combined arms teams." In particular, the zones can be used to slow down surprise attacks and at the same time gain time for planned counterattacks.

"Killing zones" in the south and east of Ukraine: military expert doubts effectiveness

It remains to be seen to what extent the built-up defensive zones will really withstand the Ukrainian armed forces. Meanwhile, political scientist and political consultant Nico Lange says that the plants built are "of varying quality". According to him, they could therefore be destroyed, broken through or circumvented.


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Ukraine has already launched counteroffensives in the region. A report by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) on Friday said that Ukrainian forces likely broke through some Russian lines during local counterattacks near Bakhmut. According to the commander of the Ukrainian Eastern Group, Oleksandr Syrskyi, Russian forces retreated up to two kilometers behind Russian lines in unspecified sections of the Bakhmut front. While the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the Ukrainian counterattacks, according to the ISW, it denied reports of Ukrainian breakthrough of defensive lines. (nz)